Defending Our Honor and Exposing Lies

Well, that was tragically underwhelming. I was hoping for a real fight, but buddy folded faster than a lawn chair. Guess it’s just business as usual for you and your guild—consistently disappointing. Color me unimpressed. :poop: :poop: :poop: :clown_face:

You guys got nothing better to do than trash talk one another and compare your giant pixel dongs?
This thread was fun for a while but come on man :joy:

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My pixel dong is way bigger and they know it :rofl:

Options are subjective!

Bro really never kept the same energy :rofl: :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Oh sorry I didn’t check forums for awhile.
I see you went back to the same thread twice or more looking for me, it’s like im living rent free in your head. That’s obsessive behavior, you gotta stop.

You begged and begged for a 1v1 when I was online on my healer, I logged my WW monk and killed you twice.
First fight you went straight to the graveyard with a flag of ownership in you and second fight you entered follower dungeon before dying.

I initiated the first fight and you initiated the second fight. So both got the advantage once, but you still lost both.
I guess your reflexes wasn’t quick enough to enter follower dungeon the first time.

I whispers " 2-0, are you happy now? " But I did not get any response. I’m sorry if your ego got destroyed, I mean no harm.
I also think I was kind enough to give you some tips on what to use your trinket on. Because you trinketed a incap so I could do a full stun.
Not a great move by you.

I don’t know if you’re talking about the time you killed my Paladin, but then you had some Lock or Mage with you. I can’t remember exactly what friends you have.
I don’t know if I would count that as a fair fight, ofc I will die by that.
But if you feel better counting that, I can give you that one.
So let’s say 2-1 then

I really hope you can move on now.

GG’s, you tried your best

Oh, I saw your Palla and absolutely owned you. Then, of course, you had to jump me on a different character while I was sitting at 5% health—real bold move. And yet, the second time? You ran. Intrigued, I decided to check my Kill on Sight list, and imagine my delight when I saw that I’ve wiped the floor with your monk 10 to 1. Suddenly, your hostility makes perfect sense—I’m systematically destroying your entire character roster.

Naturally, if you hadn’t hidden your alts, I would have realized this sooner. But now? The moment you see me on your monk, you slap on those Nitro Boots and sprint away like your life depends on it. Adorable. :rofl: :face_with_spiral_eyes: :poop:

Your answer was so predictable.

First fight you had full HP/close to full and the second one you engaged with full HP.
You lost first and you entered follower dungeon at low HP on second 1v1.
I said that before.
even more embarrassing when my Alt with 3 days played could kill you 1v1. Imagine if I was on my main.

And If you’re just gotta go full delusional on me and lie, im not gonna feed that delusion. I’m sorry.

I don’t even have rocket boots.
And you ran into follower dungeon.
You didn’t kill me 10 times, I left after my 2-0
You didn’t have 5% You had 95-100%
So 4 lies instantly.

I’m not dealing with that bro.

GG’s, you tried your best

ROFL, the amount of copium you’re inhaling right now is truly unparalleled. I cant totally blame you though I been going through whole guild like a hot knife through butter. :wink: :poop: :poop:

You gotta stop the stalking, didn’t even know you knew the guild I’m in.
Is the guild and me the only things on your mind? :joy:

Go outside and do something useful.

Ok bored of you now… Make sure to have those nitro boots ready… big kiss :kissing_heart:

This is just a sad thread.