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Frkn Swamp.

Dangerous place full of hostile wildlife.

I see, that you are catching on… :grin:

Feralas is a land with no greater trouble and lots of resources. It would have been perfect to start all over there for the Orcs. But for some stupid reason Thrall thought the generation that grew up in the camps had to be punished. Horrible leader truly.

They should have all been punished in the end of the second war for their war crimes.
But Terenas didn’t had the courage to do it so he just put them in camps, waiting for their bloodlust to fade.
Little did he knew…

Conquest is not a crime. Humans did it with Amani and Gnolls before. History is written by the victors and you can easily flip the narrative to make yourself the good guy. Worked fine for Kul Tiras, Lordaeron and Stormwind.

Sacrificing children to fuel the power of the fel, killing, torturing and massacring civillians are all war-crimes the Orcs did in the first and second war.

The Horde was the first enemy the humans couldn’t defeat on their own which is why they turned to the elves and dwarfs for help. If Blizzard pulled another first war outcome then the eastern kingdoms would be dominated by the Amani and Orcs today.

The Humans were catch by surprise, they were scared, but later on the war it is said that even In some cases, small units of human knights were able to bring down entire orc raiding parties without any casualties.
The humans were the first enemies the Orcs couldn’t defeat on their own as well.
That’s why the Horde and the Alliance exists.

The Orcs are the strongest warriors the world has ever seen. And without the human potential meme and plot armor the alliance would finally fall.

Lol no they aren’t, they were just boosted by the fel in the first war, they lost all the other wars, the Alliance had you on your knees two times already.
Varian could beat up Garrosh all day.

The world will celebrate the day the Alliance finally goes to its knees and is dismantled.

I kill as many horde as i can every day to prevent that from ever happening, Azeroth will not lose it’s greatest defenders.

The tyranny of the humans must come to an end. Many races suffered from their rise. It is time to put them and their allies to the sword. So that all other civilizations may thrive once more. Di chuka!

the only good troll is a dead troll sadly erevien never dies but we can still remedy the troll situation by killing them in a dungeon or raid :stuck_out_tongue:

Troll are treated badly by Blizzard. We keep killing their leaders and raid their cities. Even the Zandalari were not spared. If you ain’t human you will never score a win in this game,

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