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Hey all,

i recently switched mains after healing on a resto druid (got to 7/8 HC EP, curve on older tiers and 1700 M+ rating). My monk is decently geared with 431 ilvl and 57 HoA. I love to tank (used to be maintank before switching healing) in raids and M+.

I can raid 2 evenings each week (end time not later then 23:00 server time) but not interested in raiding on fridays and saterdays (real life has prio then). My current age is 34, I’m always up for helping others and I’m not interested in groups where it’s cool to rage / curse on discord. Just be chill :slight_smile:

Hope to find a nice team to push HC and maybe some bosses in Mythic!



Feel free to check us out and add me on battlenet if you want a chat ShadowStorm#2144707

No longer looking