Delves are now unplayable - Congratulations

Solo is now easier than before, lol. In groups it’s very doable but mobs have massive healthpools which is making it take longer. But solo? it’s way easier now, they nerfed them quite a lot.

I have 3 boots I got in delves.

get tank or go tank u self problem solved did 8 ez on my tank

Depend on class, if you’re a DK or tanks in general.
Yeah they are ok I guess.

My experience as a resto shaman is very different, random critter mobs hit like a truck and all I can do is flame shock and kite around hoping brann get’s aggro before I am dead.
The last boss literally takes 5 minute to kill on an healer.

A very fun experience nobody asked for.

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What does this have to do with what I said though? They have nerfed them compared to what they were originally, that’s for all classes. Doing it as a Prot Warrior went from having to play perfect to having to not stand in fire and just press thunderclap on cooldown, so any challenge is gone.

That doesn’t mean it’s as easy for other specs, but regardless it’s still easier than before. People are coming to complain about the dungeons being too hard solo, suggesting as if they are harder now, the reality is the opposite, they made them easier. I’m about to try a T8 at ilvl565 on my 2nd alt, and I’m expecting success with no deaths.

Well clearly not many people in wow are as skilled as you are.
Let us know how it goes.

I’m above average skill but not as good as the best players, but delves for me went from challenging to just autopilot falling asleep. I don’t have the numbers at hand but there were some documented nerfs on WoWhead and some undocumented ones too.

Seem to be some bigger changes too, though I might be wrong I’m pretty sure the air bubble extra action button in the water delves is new? I never had it previously at least.

Not really. Mobs’ healthpool is overtuned. They hit like TRUCKS. I just had to pop all my defensives and cds to fell a single elite.
Can’t face more than 2 ordinary mobs; and it’s even worse in delves where you can’t remain mobile – like candle holding or the cleansing hammer. It’s just stressful at this point.

Doing T8s and my health is flashing red after every pull, because normal mobs will hit you for insane amounts of %.

At this state, the delves are not worth doing. M+ and mythic dungeons are a better way to gear up and HAVE FUN compared to this.

I think the delves rotate through 3 versions. The niffen say “release us and we’ll help you find air” so I think its part of the “story” rather than a nerf.

tried mycomancer solo on monk today and some random “named” mob 2 shot me a few times, meanwhile Brann was pulling entire rooms of mobs on me.
“unplayable” is a fine description.

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If “fine” means completely inaccurate then it is indeed a fine description.

Tens if not hundreds of thousands of delves were completed today. Sure its far from polished, but unplayable? C’mon.

not sure if anyone noticed but in the last 3-4 hours brans dps went down by about 75%. He is lvl 37 for me, set as dps, doing under 200k dps now

That seems to make more sense. But by example in that delve you have the large Makura crab type mobs that do a bubble burst, aoe explosion around them that shoots bubbles out too. If you were in melee range of that attack it would 1 shot a tank, now you can survive it.

Whatever the complete list of changes was, it’s easier now to do it solo, not harder.

do you really have an alarm set to my posts so you can respond in a minute to whatever I ever type?

try it right now, brann has just been stealth nerfed again

I replied in this thread just a few minutes ago, its pretty clear to anybody with a functioning brain I’m around right now.

Did you just use the last post to set up this epic burn or did you have something to say on the actual topic at hand?

I just did an 11 with a friend and Brann did 200 mill on the last boss, if it was nerfed it was within the past 10 min.

hmmm i dunno, i just finished an 8 solo right now and he was under 200k overall dps. thats including his devilsaur

well, you were the one claiming to check my profile to see whether I’m online or not.
you are the only one to blame for showing off to others you stalk me LOL

Try to do a solo Delve. I can confirm that my Bran did just do 100k Single target DPS.
If i am grouped its more like 1Mil.

Edit: Sorry, i noticed that while trying Zek a few hours ago. And i just finished a Delve before reset and noticed that bran is now completely useless. Might aswell get rid of him completely.

yep lvl 37 bran set as damage dealer with epic porcelain arrowhead and amorphous relic, under 200k dps, just checked again, like 180k.