Describe 8.3 in upto 5 words

How i met your Mother.

Who is running this company


Never again the same shame.

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Farming lovecraft acid trips forever.

Every gameplay decision was bad.

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Μore of same plus foxes

Same old stuff, different patch.

PS I wanted to use another word instead of stuff, it starts with the same letter, but the profanity filter has stopped me.

It’s the final one. (Hopefully)

When is bfa beta over?

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Defeat Ion save WoW.

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At least it’s almost over

Let’s go let’s go let’s

make back and neck accountwide…

rep farming = account bound


Doesn’t seem that alt friendly?

In reference to essences still being a bit clunky.

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Well…to sum it up in an acronym: F.U.B.A.R

10 chars

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rng rng rng rng rng

Says I have to type more to post so…

rng rng rng rng rng

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BFA ending is finally closer

Extinguish the Secret Lab already.

Ha Ha Lazer Go BRRRR