Did not get 50 boost with SL (new player scammed)

Telling somebody to level a char from 1 to max level and to learn at there own pace is not rude at all . Infact they are being very helpful suggesting people take the time to learn there chars how can you see anything rude in that ?

Rude means

nothing that poster said was rude .

Infact you are being rude by accusing him of it .

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because from 1 to 50 you have only 1 spell the whole time right?
new players have so much to explore, so much content to see and experience it would be a waste to use a boost as your first ever character imo. I would advice any new player to always level something first, doesnā€™t even need to be to max lvl you know. committing to using a pretty expensive boost for a race/class you never ever played before is just silly.

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Honestly, I still donā€™t like to boost a class I donā€™t already know.

I prefer leveling from scrath, getting acquainted with the class step by step, getting uses to their toolkit, every now and then getting something new to add to it.
Itā€™s much easier than having the full thing in front of you, trying to figure out what to do with it - even when using a guide.

So itā€™s a good advice, and far from rude.


You do think so but your a known troll to me, so let me get this out on you why its rude to tell someone who wants to use a characcter boost.

  • They bought heroic version of SL, meaning they want to level a char instantly to 50
  • You act like you earn so much in the 10-15 hours that you level a character to 50. You dont. You really do not. Maybe back in the day when you had slow leveling it would be a valid point but rn, its very much mute.
  • Rotations are muscle memory. Spending ā€˜timeā€™ in learning a rotation when your missing half of your spells will causde you oduble time spending to learn rottaiton when you got ffull toolkit.
  • Most classes do have 1 spell for 50% of the time you are supposedly leveling
  • If you are worried about a person not playing optimal, as you state so (They cant even joiin LFR kast wing as they do not have cloak) with your supportive claims of the person I called rude(Whom I stand by my point is still rude), currently, at the beginning of SL, what makes you think these people cant learn rotations and what not doing SL content?

Your intention may be ā€˜niceā€™ but when someone has payd for a boost, and they didnt get it , you absolutely do not tell these people that. Thats anti consumer, the one thilng you hate if it happens to you, right?

Hope all these nay sayers understand why its rude. Blerg.

nope your assumption is wrong. I was just suggesting that they get a feel for the game before using a boost. You just happened to disagree. Donā€™t know where you got rudeness from.

Actually, you do, as I said in my previous post. At least if you want to.
You get a feel for the class as your possibilities slowly increase.
For someone not familiar with a class, and especially someone entirely new to this game (and more so if new to this kind of game), itā€™s a good idea to level a char instead of bossting. Not the only one right way to play, but a very good one.

Just luke learning to play an instrument. You shouldnā€™t start with something easy, with only a few notes, but something that leta you haste through everything that instrument has to offer. Best way to do it, definitely.

Seriously, the classes I play donā€™t have rotations, but priority lists.
And learning that is easier by doing it step by step.

Seems like some people still donā€™t get new spells automatically added to their action bar.

But maybe we are playing different games, who knows?

Of course people can learn a class with itā€™s full toolkit, even someone completely new to the game.
And in which content you do it really doesnā€™t matter.
Itā€™s just that some think itā€™s better to learn a class by leveling.
As said, depending on the player himself, but there never is the one best thing for everyone.

And by the way, calling someone a troll, or rude, just because he has another opinion, well, guess what, thatā€™s rude.

OP, have you posted this in Customer Support forums?

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