Didnt loot Ash'adar, Harbinger of Dawn

I got 1000 travelers tokens. Bar is filled. Went to Stormwind and collected the chest. Got the tokens. And no mount. The bar now sasy “You have collected all rewards for this month”.

What do I do? Open a ticket?

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Did you check your mount tab under collections?

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It goes straight into your collections so check there.

same problem…

It did the same to me Thursday. I checked the chest again yesterday and the mount was there.

Try the chest again tomorrow or after the next maintenance and it’ll probably be there.

Yes I did check. Did log out and swap chars and what not. I just seem to not have looted it at all.

There is a blue post from 2 days ago about the issue…

Trading Post - Known Issues and Updates - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Completed the month, only received 100 coins. No mount. 1 objective didn’t complete, which was worth 200 points.

Yep, this thing has issues. If I’m correct I’m owed 400 coins and a mount.

I did not get it in my chest, but as a gift in my mount tab, that I had to open.

same issue for me. i’ve completed enough of the objectives to fill up the bar, it says its completed for this month, yet no mount. relogged, relogged with cache deleted.

i have looted the chest before filling up the bar, maybe that has something to do with it.
now i’m waiting.

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