Disappearing transmogs/appearances

Since start of Shadowalnds my shop transmog sometimes totally disappear and can not find them in appearances and cosmetic tabs.

Items : Sprite transmog, Celestial transmog,Jewel of Firelord helm,Crown of Eternal winter helm and murlocs are gone as well.

CONSTANTLY i have reported it everytime it happend to me can you like fix it ?


And guys do you have same experience ?

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I made the same post in CS section a little while ago.

Murloc mog gone from tab? - Support / Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)


i made ticket as well will going to add my stuff to your thread.

and i am out of likes today :confused:


It’s a known bug, it’s been happening since we had the crowns from the store. There is no fix for this issue yet. It usually affects RAF/Store/Six month sub cosmetic rewards.

It will come and go of it’s own accord. It’s a nuisance but a known issue.

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True enough, but @blizzdev this is unacceptable. People paid for these items and although the ToS says you are allowed to not care about it at all and people can have stuff taken away from them at your discretion I still think it’s a scam.

Fix it or refund!

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You might be able to ask for a refund on that basis but I have no idea. You’d have to ticket probably.

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tos can say anything they are still obeying EU laws and my product disappearing is indeed scam.


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