🍾 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

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Hey Einstein rocked it tbh

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I can but send good vibes your way.


Whether you intended to undermine the guild or not matters little - in the end, you caused damage to the guild. And the whole premise - hiding under an alt as some second-identity - sounds weird and iffy. Here’s why:

What made you think that they would react different to you under a guise? You are still the same person, still the same roleplayer, the same style. I can only imagine two answers:

  1. You believed their reaction was disingenous and “knowing your true you” would have made them like you.
  2. You believed you could masquerade as a different person and portray a different personality.

When were you planning to reveal yourself? Were you planning to ever tell the people you tricked that you were deceiving them? Did you not consider that this deception would only reinforce the negative feeling mentioned under #1 and that eventually, your personality would reveal yourself despite #2 (as it happened!)?

From your line “honestly planning to leave anyways” it really feels like a messed-up sociopathic escapade.

Of course you didn’t. You were trying to convince someone you did no “infiltration” after admitting you deceived people into thinking you were another player and rousing people to replace the guild master.

In conclusion

Honestly, I established my timeline suggesting others to assume you were manipulative/deceptive and your callout thread was weird lies and you come here to confirm the latter and heavily underline the former. I don’t really have words.

My only surprise is the meme-y chill way Perroy deflected your PMs instead of lashing out.


They call him the Dutch, Danny DeVito

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Presumably that ill will informed your decision on which guild you would unironically buy a second game license to infiltrate

You say in the midst of a 1 million word post damage controlling what you did

Yeah, I’m not interested in extended conversations with what is essentially a less funny and less successful version of Hrothgarr

You should post the whole thing

You should send the bit beforehand where you unironically try to shake me down (on two occasions, right?) about how players RPing in an empty building was a problem (because that building was the sole property of your offline guild and the offline members would have stopped them or something)

It was never yours to free / unlock / allow anyone from using a public building in the game world. Your guild never had any claim or ownership to in-game assets added by Blizzard

Please don’t type like you did someone a great favour by not sending them walls of text in whispers for RPing within 2 miles of some building

Not on this account, at least

Yet despite that piece of fully undeserved kindness, you still decided to give them what you imagined would be a dramatic parting shot. Well, here you are days later doing damage control for your persona on a game you claim you will never retrun to


Nobody thought that so no need to clarify



Please remove that baseball cap from your brow at once

A tip for the gamers of the AD forum: when somebody says “my main flaw is how honest I am” they are almost never telling the truth

Yeah it’s weird how these things keep happening and you’re always justified and not really in the wrong and you’re just so honest but people keep thinking you’re a slippery individual (wrongly, because you’re so honest)

Weird how these things happen

The hidden technique of reverse damage control

Sorry those gnomes got caught up in the crazy schemes to be honest

Obviously not given you paid for an additional game license to join it

I hope it remains open for all time


Only by Dutch standards

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Damn right

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Sounds like we stole something from you approximately 300 to 400 years ago.


No comment.


Bad wording on my part: the Discord’s still active, most people in it just don’t seem particularly invested in what’s going on in this thread. They’ve moved on from it.

But honestly, when somebody is using “you’re bald” as an insult, I’m pretty sure its in association with malding (you’re so angry, you’re going bald by pulling out your own hair)

Am I correct?


The King? or There Harbor
or the fleet one of those i bet

The implication is that stress / anger leads to hairloss


Wanna take a bet?

It does
 IT DOES. :pensive:

Is this why so many Wow villians are bald?

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Even better.

So you may still have a full head of hair physically, but inside you’re so angry its falling out?

(not you in particular Perroy obviously)

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legit preferred evil santa jailer concept art


Exactly but it is more funny shouting MY HAIR !!! when someone messes you up in PvP