🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

owns you easily

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No u.

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u cant own me slavery is illegal

That’s our secret… it’s never set.

I was going to say something about how the only thing I hate more than Sweden is Finland, but then I remembered Britain is a thing and I’m feeling very conflicted

Rough times


yeah right. Norway has that too, it’s nothing to brag about.

I hate you too, Tea sipper

Joke’s on you I feel the same about them

Go back to france

This thread is lacking Slavic representation, imo.

een vodka and ziggarets pls :–}}} :DD

Guys, I was thinking about Playing The Witcher (Videogame) 2007, but I don’t know if it’s good or not. Can anyone help?

I roll up driving the Archduke and his wife in a 1910 cabrio to claim this thread for the K.u.K.

Russia is more to the east

Francia will rise again…


Flag deployed. It’s ours offically now. That’s the rule.


Tbh this is a barren rock with no signs of intelligent life so it checks out Vashava


Contested zone

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Clearly the only way to settle these disputes is to make a big AD paradox games session.

Say that when we lease it to the yanks to build a military base on for £££. Because it’ll be even more accurate.

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