Disc Priest Returning for Shadowlands

Been a while since I posted on here, but here goes nothing!

Quick note regarding faction/server: for the right guild I’ll be whatever you want me to be…

What am I looking for?

  • 2 nights / week raiding (Heroic/Mythic content)
  • Mythic+ Dungeons
  • A group who chats sh**, does world quests, farming, etc.

*Disclaimer, I started SL after release and have been on holiday this past week, so gear-wise I realise I’m behind the curve but when has gear ever been a subsitute for pure grit and gumption?

For those who like to know who they’re getting in bed with:

I’ve been playing WoW off-and-on since launch, though most consistently until end of WotLK. My main has been a Priest healer for the most part. During that time I was part of server-first raiding guilds pushing the hardest content.

Eventually I had less and less time to devote to WoW and raiding, which was my biggest passion. This time, when returning for Shadowlands, I tried to convince myself that raiding wasn’t an option, that I would take it slow, enjoy every quest and explore everything.

What I’ve found though is that solo really isn’t as enjoyable as I thought it would be, and I really do miss having a group of people to enjoy this game with and looking at this forum it appears I’m not the only one who feels this way.

Happy to have a chat in-game, over discord or using smoke signals if that’s your chosen method of communication. Drop me a line!

Currently recruting Any Specs but in dire need of more healers! <<

The Guild was formed by a core of people who know each other from real life, and we’re currently recruiting geared people for Nathria Progress and Mythic+ pushes!

Plan is to clear Normal ASAP and continue in HC.

Raiding Fri & Sat from 19-22 server time.

We’d like to build a tight knit community with around 15-20 active raiders.

We’re a mature and chill bunch of players, love to have fun and help each other out without any drama. During raids we like to joke around (politically incorrect), but at the same time maintain a serious atmosphere where everyone is prepared, gives their best and is willing to learn from their mistakes!

If you see yourself in this apply ingame, or send me a message on discord!

hey add me on discord if u wanna have a chat DK-Reaper#8273 or check out our post here [LFM] [EU] [H] [draenor] [M+] [Raid] Relaxed social Guild recruiting