DK players with negative IQ

I disagree so hard with this one…I did actually write about this in a different topic, see the link below. One part of what I wrote there I will copy directly, though:

Deserter after being kicked should be removed immediately, period. The only thing that could be abused if it wasn’t there is someone just porting out of the dungeon and not leaving - but at that point, he is to blame for being a j**k, not the entire system for being stupid in the first place.

And I also think that people refusing to leave on their own are much fewer than people who get griefed hard getting an undeserved Deserter. I can’t think of a single reason why, when solving an issue of a certain number of system-abusing people, would I choose to gried a much higher (that’s A) number of player which have done nothing wrong (that’s B).

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