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That place looks amazing, wow :hushed:

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Itā€™s not! But Iā€™m not that far away from there. :slight_smile:

Yes most likely, itā€™s very different, the climate and also the architecture. Here, especially around the lake, you can find palm trees everywhere, banana trees, citrus treesā€¦ palm trees literally grow in the forest too (they were introduced from Asia during the Victorian era, to decorate parks and gardens, but the climate is perfect for them so they grow everywhere now). But there are also 3000m mountains where you can ski just above all of this, itā€™s very unique. :slight_smile:

Germans love it here, they are the main tourists (after Swiss from the north) and also Dutch that love camping. :sun_with_face:


In my country Portugal its mostly, french, spanish and british lots of british :smile:


That means some easy to access materials for a bit of mediterranean cooking! I wonder what the locals make with citrus for instance :thinking:


Here in the Czech Republic itā€™s mostly Ukrainians now for obvious reasonsā€¦


I see a lot of text but very little food pics.

You lot on a diet or something?


There is a pretty large Portuguese community here in Switzerland, I remember back in school I almost always had at least one classmate with Portuguese origin :slight_smile:

Limoncino! My dad actually makes it, we have a lemon tree in our garden. :lemon:
Itā€™s delicious (and very easy to get drunk from it)! :crazy_face:


looks really yummy :yum:


Donā€™t worry, once I get T3 itā€™s gonna be ultimate power


What % is that and is itā€¦ lemony? :smiley:

Itā€™s literally lemon liquor!

Stay hydrated people

but is it lemony?

If you mean lemony like that Simpson picture, then no. Itā€™s very sweet. :slight_smile:

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Sweet is acceptable but I do like me sum sour


what the hell is dis?

Thatā€™s the Heart Attack drink.

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Reminder to self, ask Starney for a taster if I ever get to visit Switzerland :drooling_face:

I feel you, it takes a lot of effort to reach and is easy to lose it, unless you get it via a beta invite. Fingers crossed to receive one!

Until then, youtube vids it is, so have some crazy stronk absinthe that hits like an enraged buck:


Itā€™s also called Limoncello by the way. Donā€™t they sell it in other parts of Europe? You can easily find it in supermarkets here.


I doubt it, but then I rarely take a look at the drinks section unless I buy some Hohes C. Itā€™s quite a vitamine bomb, so I chug a bottle every now and then :smiling_face_with_tear:

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