Do NOT delete this thread please! 😋

I’m still waiting for Mechaclown to emerge.


I forgot to create a ‘Moistclown’ before uninstalling Retail client. /sad

here is a moist apple cake as compensation


I never really understood the concept behind this
Eat healthy, excercise, so you will live longer; thats the basic concept
Extra 10-20 years sound nice… except those years are extras at the end
Whe you are old, friends, family gone, or if you are lucky, landed in a Retirement Home…
Face it, most of “us” are not looking forward to a bright future and happy elder years…
So lets live and eat while you still can!

Youth is the most precious thing in life; it is too bad it has to be wasted on young folks… :unamused:

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You lost me.

Most bodybuilders(or hobbybuilders) do it for one purpose only, to get bigger/being vein.
Kinda addictive

And you lost me again now because I am thinking of chicken kebab as I’m typing this

I partially agree, but I think it’s also about feeling well in your skin so that you can enjoy life better :slightly_smiling_face:

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And let’s not forget, you can still eat really tasty food and still be pretty healthy. (I’m still beefy and ALIVE ain’t I?)
All about perspective and priorities

It’s as good as you make it for yourself

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Its kind of a loop… how could enjoy life better if you basically torture yourself and make your life misrable basically, just to… enjoy that life? :crazy_face:
Sure, as clown said:

But… anything addictive is potentially harmfull
I guess I’m just depressedm Monday is coming and the work to live to work continues…
Don’t mind me, I will just crawl to the corner, curl in to fetal position and cry
Like a lot, till morning comes and life continues


I do agree. But I think I misuse the word ‘addictive’ in this case.

Been at it for 2 decades and it has helped me a lot. Physically and mentally :slight_smile:

It’s all good. I love Mondays myself but perhaps a little happy soup will lift your spirits

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Throw stones at me if you wish, but not fond of the concept of meat in pie.

I do like it on my burger though! :drooling_face:

He can make a classic gnome mage for that!

Smol body, giant belly.

Eat fast, die young!


#BlessAmericanFastFood (and their bellies)


I agree some people are way too focused on the aspect of living as healthy and long as possible and are so focused on the future that they sometimes forget to do the actual living in the here and now.
But also as others have said some people actually do it for fun and I totally respect that. Not my cup of tea but whatever floats your boat.

Also I’m not super into the belief that in the end it will make that much of an impact since I believe it’s mostly down to genetics and not getting hit by busses etc
Ofcourse the exception is extremity. Being the size of a bus or exercising till your heart explodes will knock a few years of your calender.

I think the important thing is just finding a level that fits you and at which you’re happy.
Excercise and healthy eating can do wonders for someone that needs it but if you’re happy as you are, pushing yourself to do something you don’t want isn’t going to make you even more happy.

Best monday in some time though because I don’t have to go up extra early and can sleep my normal hours


Spicy McClownSauce?


Wotz dat? :o
Kind of looks like pea soup

Traditional Czech meal as an offering to the Loa of this thread


There are quite a few people in my irl friend circle, and family circle who should take a long look at this. :point_up::point_up:

Can’t wait for the McClown’s food chain to open!

You hear it, Clown? Think I have the perfect name for your food bar! :pray:

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Food Photo contest:
put the most Yummy plate of one of these categories and you win… title of forum “master chef”. 1 for each category :slight_smile:
what you think?

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I’d find it absolutely amazing to be called the master chef when all I can do is make cereal :laughing:

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I just want the “Prettiest Thalassian maiden” title pretty please :point_right::point_left:

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I’ve often been called a Master Baiter - does that count??


Thank god I’m not a fish then :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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