Do NOT delete this thread please! 😋

Theres a nice one here in the UK called Bacchus - weirdly enough its in a plain green bottle with a paper covering…

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The one I have looks like this.
Yours must be quite deceiving - I’d expect a regular beer in a green bottle. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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we also do ales in brown and see-through bottles - if ever you visit the UK then heres a tip - the darker the beer, the stronger it is


It’s common knowledge here as well - but to be frank I rarely drink anything strong, basically beverages more powerful than a beer can turn me upside down (well… not directly ofc :rofl:).

I do want to visit the UK once, but alas, never was lucky back in school, every trip was about Austria, or rarely Germany/Czechia/Italy.

Not sure there ever was one to France or even further… but likely not because of funds, I mean, even a train ride is costly for our schools here, let alone a mass flight…

When the teachers barely have a salary themselves - education’s a tight spot here in Hungary -, how are you supposed to organise a trip on top? :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Hungarian economy makes me sad for the people.

For the rest of us, it’s almost free to visit and eat/drink. But to work and live there, whole different story.

Random pub food at a random English pub


Steaks, taters n roasted vegies


We are hardy people
Seen worse
But thanks for caring :heart:


Really nice. Yesterday a 20km with 700 ascension.
But finally COLD


I want rain!
A want storm!
I want snow and cold!
Heck, I want an ice age!


Did the Sun hurt you? :rofl:

Prefer cold myself. One time during a snow storm i northern Sweden, it was about -25 degrees.
I was the only one walking around eating ice cream :sunglasses:

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(I’m sill sour they scraped the original Kingdom of the Sun script and made the Emperor’s new groove instead - tho’ it is a nice one, the original story was awesome, if anything this deleted song, wich is imho is on par with Hellfire, Friends on the Other Side, Be Prepared and Poor Unfortunate Souls - sung by Eartha Kitt shows how awesome it could have been and Yzma would been a top tier villain)

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Caramel pecan cinnamon roll

Send help.

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If you think of the early 90s, I’ve heard bits about it, but true that, it can always be worse :smiling_face_with_tear:

There was some overnight before I went off to sleep… refreshing breeze at its finest :pray:

And probably the only one who drinks hot choc in the Sahara? :eyes:

Anyways, it’s top o’ the mornin’ for me, so just leaving some coffee here:

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Mostly, yes
But since the Austro-Hungarian Empire dissolved we had difficulities, so to speak, WW1 and the time after that was a bit harsh, not to mention the “Horthy era”
Then WW2
Then the Communist era between 1945 and 1989, the “Rákosi era”
Then the “Kádár era”
To be honest, the 90s were an improvement and the current situation is not that bad compared to the past 100-150 years

We should focus on the positive.

Googled ‘Magyar pizza’ and my belly likey

Send it to Clown, thank you (kĂśsz!)


And the better it tastes :pinched_fingers:


Oh, I thought you were talking about recent events :sweat_smile:

Yes, the world wars and the commies did give us a pretty rough time. Things haven’t been the same for a whole century, even more.

Szívesen! :wink: Uh… you’re welcome.

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Guten tag beefenzie cakenzie! (my German is a bit rusty.)

Hope all is well! Now let’s eat


That’s one empty plate :tired_face:


Everything is well and running. Just a lot to take care of at the moment in my personal life.
(Mainly buying a house at the moment and my mother in law with son are staying with us)

Not enough time for the iron toy pump… At least swimming and a lot of walking…

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