Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Well hello there cutie pie.

Come please, let me show you the basement aka my meat section.

Oh yes

This… :smiling_face_with_tear: only topic is ‘be nice and spam food if you can/is fitting’!

Wish I knew the brand… :cry:

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I’d have taken that as an indication not to reopen it - it’ll only serve to attract the forum trolls who will derail (although, can a thread really be derailed when it never had a point/purpose to it originally?) and eventually lead to it being closed again.

And round and round we go… :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m not picky…any brand of wine will do! Unless for slow drinking and enjoying…then I’d go for a moselle wine

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You look like someone grabbed you and rubbed a lump of coal into your face


I still love you

Thank you! I was thinking of a way to put it into words!


it’s a forum bug. sometimes void elves character icons just go crazy an either look completely black or Grey.

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Aww what a cutie!

Yes, i now have the knowledge to make pepe memes.
Edit: Tomorrow im going to a friend of mine’s mountain house cuz he need me to do a job for him and he will offer me a good place to sleep and this to eat:


weird. ive seen it now. maybe it was jggles with its toy.

Or maybe it’s a sign that someone is going to get coal in their christmas sock…



Tbh I only thought of the coal because I’m reliably informed that’s what Tifa uses as eyebrow liner. Someone told her it would be funny to shave her eyebrows off and just draw a line above her eyes with a lump of coal and she said “Yeah. Yeah actually!”

I’m going to assume you heard that too?


Or: She’s becoming a boogiewoman!

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You are just trying to trigger Erevien with that aren’t you?

(edit) Awwww you deleted it!!


The picture of pepe with the christmas list! Put it back!

i put it back cuz i realised i did it wrong.
but why would it trigger erevien?

How could Pepe ever be wrong?!

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