Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)


Complete the storyline in each Kul Tiras zone to earn Loremaster of Kul Tiras.
Do part 1 of the Alliance War Campaign to earn Ready for War.
Reach level 50+ on an Alliance character if you haven’t yet.
Do The Pride of Kul Tiras storyline.
Complete the A Nation United quest.
Earn Tides of Vengeance by finishing the second part of the War Campaign.
Do the 20 recruitment quests, starting at the Stormwind Embassy.

Time consuming)

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No habla Vulpera chat. Just read “meat, add sauce and bbq”


nah you are too late there is already a too soon™ thread


For a sec it worked, me thinks, and thats enough for me :wink:

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Twiluna. Dunkiee. Kit. You all smell the same. Very nice.

i’ll be honest until i met murbastic i had no idea who scooter is…

and honestly i still dont really have any idea who scooter is.

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Thank you Starney for trying to further help me summon Wolfy.

In your own weird way.

You a good hairy daddy friend.

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This will summon Wolfy for sure.

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ah okay , i guess murbastic/wolfy is eastern european yes?

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Scooter is German though. Wolfy and Murbastic are the same person? I thought Wolfy was a new iteration of Phaoris & friends.

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Yeah, I can’t press like on that one.

German techno was the poop (good way) in the 90s.

You being a UK boi should know this more than a Nordic hybrid
Shame on you.

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We are all Twiluna, they said
But I’m not him
Nor Dunkiee
Who is also not me

We are like the Three Jokers

Twiggz. I don’t think they are the same. FOr real? Did you go full Batman Detective mode?

I check every one on armoury and put down info in my paper notepad


Did you check mine as well?

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they could be the same?

who knows, they are the same strange ^^

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No one can hide from the Eye of Sauron the Clown


If this is turning into a multiple/alter ego personality duel, to see who has the most inside their juicy and corrupt brain.

I might win. But I would still bet more coin on you. (NO OFFENCE)

I will post juicy food pic later as compensation.

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im 98.2334554% sure

everyone in this thread besides myself is clown

Thirty pieces of silver will do :moneybag: