Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)



but only No lifers and bad people think that lore matters, while actually doesn´t

haven´t they seen that WoD has no content and blizzard disrespect stories? Same they did in BFA


did he kill your father?

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No, he killed some gnomes that were walking nearby.


right i am escorting myself out the door now, ciao

unless someone wants to work 60 hours this week in my stead…

i doubt it … toodles :wave:


I dont like escorts. We all need to make money.

Clown has never paid for love irl.

In Wow however… 69% of all my gold income action has been spent at Goldshire.

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i have a interesting story involving work and escorts…

but i cannot share that on this forums.

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Lycan, I have to tell you bad news

Sisoki is banned for ultimately long :sob:

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I know that your human brain has lots of stuff to share. One memory at the time right? :smiley:

I will share something with you now only because I almost like you. For a human from the UK, you are quite tolerable.
I doubt that you will remember it. But:

You once said something like “male grooming is kinda feminine”

Me being bald with a giant beard/facial hair action got triggered.
I use some stuff on my beard. And lotions on rest of the body.

So clown. At the time. On Twobuttonwin (DH retail char) responded with something like “you sound very insecure” you responded quite friendly with some kinda neutral. And my second reply was “more insecurity”

Your last reply was I think “you calling me insecure is hilarious” and a friendly smiley

I hope this won’t make us enemies but instead help this online bond we got going to grow.

I know you a little bit better now

Hope you can forgive clown’s actions

I will post food pic in the morning. Just for you

And for the rest reading this waiting for some juiciness
Enjoy my hungry mode in gif form

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No! Why? I remember him. Balkan gym brother. Very sad news

She is banned for 25 years


Are you sure? Sounds very long.

Are you comfortable sharing what he did?

I don’t think you should post these kinds of gifs here.

I watched the gif for 2 secs and I’m already pregnant :confused:

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Is this better?

And no blood on her my lips for now. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I would share my Lycan husband with her.

blood is boiling in a good way.

No need to be weird. Let’s keep this thread clean and moist nice

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Talking blood… vampire Dunkiee would gladly drink this:

It’s just like a good red wine. Only the flavor is stronger…

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Okay, I’ll stop being weird now! :yum:

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Sure, but your img link game is weak.

With your tmog and hair action. This thread deserve more.

Get a grip barĂĄt

Here you go.


Drink this Blood wine! :wine_glass:

And you will be conquered vampire!

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