Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Happy to see that personalities are back… :eyes:

Thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Dead as in 1 post every couple hours, when it used to be 20 posts a min

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I do morning and evening workout.

First thing i do straight outta bed is 50 pushups sit ups…

I find it give u a good boost of energy in the morning

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Is this some sorta whiskey like good ole Jack Daniels? Nope thanks, I don’t really like shots or any such drinks. Too strong for me, cheery beer or wine is where it’s at.

Or could be coke… but that I don’t drink either anymore, maybe if I rarely get inved somewhere and I actually attend.

Anyways, here’s some for the lovers.

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It’s only dead when no one posts in 12 hours.

By the way, if you add up the total count from all 3 threads it’s 2+3.1+3.6= 8.7k posts minimum. :yum:

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Was not on about post count more post frequency and it dropped alot last few days :slight_smile:

It did, but it still has quite a bit of demand. :yum: as any lounge/fun thread.

Here’s some Valhalla. Not the game… but a stronk drink.

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Good morning from a sunny/cloudy manchester!


No idea. Was just trying to sound normal. :clown_face:

I like to go out running at about 0400 and take care of gym business before 0800

Baileys is much weaker in alcohol % and very creamy and sweet.

Most things I post get flamed in one way or another.
I can’t help you humans anymore

Clown out :vulcan_salute:

Some one is after you…?

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Yeah, that’s true man, I always feel ready to conquer the world after a morning workout.

Like it’s really easy rn because I’m my own boss but if you got meetings in the morning and gotta wake up really early to fit the workout in it’s rough. I was really a sleepyhead when I was younger, now I can manage but it’s harder to make gains in the morning.

Ahahaha… fair enough! I love honesty.

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Dont know if its available in Hungary, but here in the UK we have a cracking cherry beer called ‘Bacchus’ only problem is thats its a 45 mile round journey for me to get any.

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How are you enjoying your stay over here, Tesla??

We do have such handcrafted beers (and not so handcrafted ones) including the cherry beer :cherries: :beer:
Cherries are always used fresh, so cherry beer is made only once a year, when the cherries are ripe. The cherry is added to the finished beer base, which, due to its sugar content, starts a second fermentation process. The taste is sweeter, slightly tart from the cherries. Its color is red or burgundy.

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Stop posting fish then and you’ll be all good again!

Yeah. Im actually near the quay to visit old trafford. Yesterday liverpool and a chuck of man city center. The indian restaurant you gave me was wonderful. And good weather. But today its time to come back…

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Wrath of the Duck king!


Is his mount drop called Unsinkable? 0.000000000000001% drop rate though