Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

this is my latest pepe immage!

What do you think?
Context of the immage: during pepe’s trip he met a bunch of rouge vulperas and a sethrak that wanted to stop pepe’s adventure from going foward, but pepe was able to defeat they’r enemyes!

You chose the quantity over quality
Pepe is barely recognizable
Not to mention Pepe would never hurt the Vulpera nor the Sethrak

pepe only harms whoever tryes to harm him. he has learned Self-defence.

could you elaborate please? i’m still learning so any tip is more than welcome.

fair enought on this point here


i will read tomorrow, gnight all and remember! Pepe may be with you!

The orc with the viking Pepe was awesome, real masterpiece something I totally could immagine see while in the game as a little easter egg or just walking by
The Alliance soldier’s “corpses” shown a decline in quality, the poses how they were lying on the ground were a bit off, a little strange and Pepe’s helmet, shield and armor not relly matched the Pepe “style”
And now this… just look the vupera and the Sethrak boides are just "thrown’ at the picture, nothing natural in it, but like a bunch of manequins and Pepe is not even recognizable
The idea on the pictures are good, but you sacrificed quantity over quality, to make more and more and more pictures just for the sake of making pictures and like everything rushed and mass produced, it ended up progressively worse


Yawn… need sleep. Goin to rome for work. Need… sleep…

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Hyvää huomenta! Wait… oops. Good morning hoomans!

Hm… I did pick up some finnish after all in my short time here. :smiling_face_with_tear:


Thank you for the tips!
Gonna put em to practice. Bte goodmorning all!

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Did you go for a mix inbetween this time?

Rome? Nice
Enjoy the cake!


Morning all !


Morning folks - another week of home deliveries duties for me awaits

Any plans for this week?

Unlucky, my last day today then 4 day ‘weekend’

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Nothing much for me apart from going home and finding a new job.

But, somehow I feel I’ll come back soon enough, back here… probably because Hungary’s got a nasty inflation. But you know what else is nasty?


Especially the red sauce.

And tickets booked for the new Halloween film on Friday- next up, hopefully tickets for Iron Maiden next year…



That does look nice.

Do you know what it needs to balance out the flavours?
Either fresh and cold strawberries or just a bit warm peach compote with generous amount of cinnamon and clove with a pinch of nutmeg