Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Extra Relegious Prayers?
We should keep relegion out of this, you are right!
Consecration and anointment with bacon?
Not in this pure thread! Nos sir! Nuh-uh!

resisting a pork sword joke now

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I bet you do… :smirk:

back at ya!!

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honestly, we should make a ingame community of this thread. anyway, im off to bed, Goodnight!



This seriously made me laugh :joy:

…so we’ll finish it in 2 minutes :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

The answer is in the sentence :smirk:

I’ll purge these heathens!

A holy bacon won’t be enough here.

Refer to my trusty blade, that will do an excellent job with a 0.0001% failure rate.

Hmph… that rhymed.

Yes, she knows best how to make it :yum:

You already did, and it’s too late. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

Is there any way to send grateful offerings to the alts?

Sadly? No :frowning:

God dammit, i have spare offerings on this guy but none or almost none on alts.

Where is Twiluna ? Twiluna come back I and we miss you!

That pie looks absolutely amazing.

Anyone have a recipe for Oreo Pie? :slight_smile:

You just want to experience the non sensored erp!

To my knowledge he’s very busy irl. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

I feel you btw, this forum needs him direly.

Morning :sleeping:

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Well, good moaning

Hiroki used to say this a lot. :rofl:

Gif is bugged again…

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y’know that kind of stuff disgusts me.
i wanted a community so we can play togheter and do meme-ish stuff.
tho i already have one!
and btw G’moonrnin.


Even won an award for it, so I’ve heard! :smirk:

We are dancing on the blade’s edge, it is just harmless fun :innocent:

We are all Twiluna
He lives within all of us, because we are Twiluna! So don’t feel sad. Smile! You know the Good Book says that when two or more are gathered in His name, He will be there, too!

That sensored Emergency Relief Program is very… educational :smirk:

So farso good! :two_hearts:
And welcome back Starney! :kissing_heart: