Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

But it is NNN :thinking:

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Second time I see the triple N reference without knowing what it means. Is it safe to look it up? :thinking:

No doubts there!

Also… got a sore throat since I woke up in the afternoon, so an illness like a cold, or (and I hope not) even tonsillitis might be imminent. If that’s the word for your gland aching, that is. :frowning_with_open_mouth:


I’ve no idea what it means either.

I think that’s the word for when there’s an infection or whatever and they have to slicey slice them out.

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No Nut November :smirk:


Same I woke up with a sore nose and a sore throat for not sniffing?

In the bed I have endured for few weeks now, and I almost got sore nose and throat, but Endured and drank hot teas

In this time when I have a problem that I can’t sniff, then I go downstairs to the kitchen and drink the hot teas until I can sniff again

EDIT: Lying on the bed + wearing zhupan + wearing long shirt pajamas and long pants pajamas

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If it gets worse, good old Coldrex is still my fren.

It’s one of those anti-cold drink powders that you mix in with hot water, effectively a tea of sorts, for those who don’t know it yet. Of course, it might only be a local medicine of sorts.


In the UK we call that lemsip and they taste awful!! I prefer to make my own with lemon juice, honey, hot water and whiskey :grin:


That sucks :confused: Hope you both feel better soon! :slightly_smiling_face:

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im sorry dunkiee… take this.

i use it for everything.

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Here it’s called NeoCitran!

I recall that medicine

In august middle of the first week I got a sore throat, same with my sister, but when we returned to the home, and then made my mom sick by mistake, and when we took that medicine Coldrex, then we have spent almost a month until a sore throat was gone

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Bah! Humbug!
Honey is what your sore throat needs!


I hate honey, but if I have sore throat I brace myself and put a big spoon of it in my tea :confounded:


Honey with hot milk! It works wonders!

Also, post 7000-not-7000 :partying_face:


with grappa ofc


Raw Honey with lemon and ginger!
Nothing else you need to treat a cough or sore throat
Also, good old, firewater, PĂĄlinka! Brandy

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Local honey is also really good if you get hayfever in the summer.

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My uncle would say “it kills all the germs” :rofl: