Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

It is! :heart_eyes:

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What kind of sauce is that?
Looks like hollandaise sauce :thinking:

I promised you a pizza pic.

Tuna, olives (green and black), goat cheese and Gorgonzola

Not my proudest pizza order.
Much love :vulcan_salute:


Looks like it’s cold? Very homemadeish though, kudos!

Old Samsung phone. No filter or light.

It was hot when pic was taken but ty!

I’m done with tuna pizzas me thinks

30cm diameter in size


One of the reasons i stopped bothering with it - plus theres one or two in there think they are gods gift. Good luck getting into that clique…


Thank you for noticing my gifts

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It’s made with mustard and curry I believe, and other spices, it’s delicious :yum:

Thank you!

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No wonder
The lack of the proper amount of cheese on that pizza is basically a crime!


Just for you my bearded bro

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You should see the other pizza.

Kebab with veggies, kaymak sauce and a free movie ticket

No complaints from me!

So you still love me even if I’m a bully and a troll? :eyes:

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You will need some digestif for that :grimacing:
Or at least digestive aid!

Had to deliver on my promise to Starney

Stay safe all

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Need ice for that burn? :smirk:

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Nope, this song is more than enough:

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Evidently you also have a very nice white suit :+1:t2:

I miss my white suit :frowning: