Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Good morning!
From the slave pits, smuggled a post
Who managed to play?
Just curious… evening is far away, when I get home, but I guess (and hope) a servers will normalised till then :roll_eyes:
Anyhow, untill then:


ive played 1\2 hour this night and 1 hour now. it seems good. expecially professions. No queues for me but time was really late so…


I went to bed about an hour before launch, I just can’t do late nights anymore but today I can have a day off from work so once I’ve taken little man to school I will settle in for a day of DF :smile:

:no_mouth: no comment…


Good morning! I honestly forgot, I just went to bed at 11 yesterday. :rofl: I will play a bit later though.

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Finally got in at 11.50pm last night, done the first few quests leading up to the embassy (i think it is) and went to bed.



The REAL queen of the dragons


For the cute little ducks

Tell me I’m wrong? :laughing:

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Possibly wrong, i was slightly inebriated last night…


Good morning guys! Hope you will all enjoy your first steps on Dragon Isles today and get sucked in the world! For those of you, who already tried that yesterday, hope you’ll have a better experience today.

I’m pretty excited, in a chill way, it’s a chill expansion after all and I’m here for that vibe :grin:


Don’t forget to tune in to Twitch streams to get your Feldrakes! Especially if you (still) have connection problems, there was a flood of posts midnight.

Myself, gonna try soon, but first I’ll chug some Coldrex, hope it can make the sore throat go away…

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hey dunkiee hope you feel better. Someone spotted robo today?

Still in Stormwind waiting… my problem is that I pretty much “slacked” during the last months so now I’m still stuck with a dilemma: going on with Arcane Mage, switching to Frost? Switching to Balance Druid? I’m not a pro player at all, not even close.

I get anxious very easily with group content so it has to be the most easy and chill class/spec possible. I pretty much suck at multitasking in WoW, especially when I have to move a lot I tend to mess up my rotation really easily. Also I dislike melee, so only casters are viable for me.

I mained BM Hunter for years but I hate the mail transmogs and double pet is too distracting for me (from a visual point of view). Not a fan of Barbed Shot either.

try ele. its quite simple and direct.

edit: sorry i read now about mail. go destro. its powerful and mighty!

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Morning. I got almost to 63! Just at the start of Spoiler Citadel storyline.

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Shaman has better transmogs than hunters though, so that could be an option. I also played destro during WoD and I loved it. I would like to remain as a Kul Tiran so that would be an issue too…

Why am I so complicated? :crazy_face:

b4 to choose my main ive leveled all the dps to 60 (except rog and dh)… you are not alone :smiley:

what do you think about the game?

Is Balance druid “complicated” nowadays? I like the class fantasy a lot, transmogs too, so that could be an options (I also have Murley at level 60)

i find it boring and lame. but i admit i never tried it after new talent tree went live

One of my favourite WoW expansions so far :+1:t2:


He might be too exhausted if it’s the beginning of Covid… or he’s busy playing DF in the better case.

Arcane and boomie have never been complicated. I’d say mage is more straightforward because of no forms and it’s not a hybrid class.

Well, if it’s boring it could be perfect for me.

I like Arcane for casual stuff like World Quests but in group content the mana management is a bit annoying for me… anyway thanks, I will try a bit when I come back home.