Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Pizza ala Puttanesca?

good morning !

i been wondering the same seems like it is bugged ā€¦

I love Blizzard bugs. It shows that they care about us, the players

let us pick a proflile pic and text will be a cool update :stuck_out_tongue:

This is my profile pic. It has been decided

Two minutesā€¦

You can order fast food at 10 AM (1000) ? lucky you!

What are WE eating?

To Midnight??? Top songā€¦

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One of the best. 30(?) years later.

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You trash talk people more than they ever did.

But its different when its about you right?

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Ainā€™t fast food. Itā€™s proper restaurant food.

Todayā€™s Emotional Support Burger is: Pork patty, gouda, caramellised onions, bacon jam, cornichons, honey-mustard mayo with again, chips as side dish.


I find it laughable they talk :poop: about people they dislike all the time.

But fail to see their own shortcomings.

They are by far the most passive toxic person in this thread.

That is even including my clones.

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Weak minds think alike. Copium. Fake buddy online system. Not a big fan. But I only have 3 irl close friends.

Iā€™ve had plenty of fun on these forums the past years. Canā€™t deny that. Hope you had too


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Weeeell, gotta say, that one doesnā€™t make my top three by IM.

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Sweet, the drama begins again.

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As far as Iā€™m concerned you and your pathological liar ā€œfriendā€ both could crawl back under the rock you came from
From no on, donā€™t bother to reply to me, you are on ignore


Oh no, someoneā€™s feeling awe huwting!


Pineapple pasta for wannabe Italians :clown_face: