Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Here in Hungary too, called “Vízkereszt” (as a commemoration of the manifestation of Christ, especially to the Magi, but also at his baptism and at the wedding feast of Cana; in an apparent reference to baptism, refer to the January 6 celebration as Vízkereszt, a term that recalls the words “víz” (water) and “kereszt, kereszt-ség” (baptism).) tho’ in english, its called Epiphany Day
Not a BIG festive day, more like a minor one
Traditionally till this day we keep the Christmas tree, but after jan 6, to the dump with it


Fixed it for you :face_with_hand_over_mouth: laughs in Easter


only today and tomorrow and then… My first work Monday
btw Good mornin’ yall!
yesterday i made an homemade cake and i ate some of it at breakfast, it was so good! i should make more sweets maybe.


Pancakes? :eyes:

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today’s breakfast was pancakes with bacon. if anyone’s not eaten yet that is my recommendation to them. stay happy and fulfilled this weekend with good meals


i do know how to make them, i just need to make them tonight so tomorrow they will be ready after cooling down :smile:

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oh no, i use ma family secret recepy! :pancakes:
my mother taught me to do sweets, she loved making cakes, biscuits and all of that and gave me some teachings on how to do em!


this video make me lol :smiley:

I’d totally try this once! Since we’re talking sweets…


It’s Saturday evening and it’s time for apéro!


Is that a bug/spider/locust in the wine glass?


Ahah you’re right! I have no idea, it’s a google pic…maybe an olive? :olive:

Morning everyone :sleeping:


I need that coffee now
~3 hours TW and from 60 landed on 70 + weekly
But 70 now with a nice 361 ilvl
No infinite timereaver tho’ :unamused:

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It´s been years and they still don´t make sense being “very low rate %” of mount drop

Same goes Nalak and Sha of Anger, But Nalak and Sha of Anger could be dropped after 100 times, not thousands

Story of my life - I intend to use it for leveling however long it lasts :smile: and I even forgot to do a weekly key.

But my dragon is 68 at least! And then my bear will be the next one… sigh… wish I had more time but am about to leave for work :frowning_with_open_mouth:

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Hey guys! Back from my hike. Aching cuz i fell twice. But alive (still, the friend if mine driving to home isnt 3xactly a good driver…)
Had a good time and therw was a lor of snow. A pity i cant post ajything…
Kanrethad you are right but i prefer to stay here and avoid evwrything else.
Ala: you are a genius!


Alas, i cannot take the credit for that one, it was done by an old mate of mine a few years back. However, 'Fear of the Duck ’ from a thread last summer was entirely my own warped humour

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