Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

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Good morning guys. Its Friday!


It is Friday the 13th!

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And presidential elections here today :thinking:

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phew… in italy we have just the 17th. dunno why.

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sorry ive been gone a while … was helping a coworker move after having a stange lunch … he was telling me about his apartment and how haunted it was… he didn’t tell me where it was but the haunting sounded familiar … like an apartment i had once lived in too

when i told him the address … he turned as white as a sheet… he was living in that same haunted apartment !! … he totally freaked out and moved out of the place that very week… he asked me to help because he noticed my muscles …

anyway … good to be back… have a great day buds!


Now I know why my boss asked me to come in for a 6th day today…

Morning :sleeping:


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Have a great weekend :slight_smile:


This looks almost exactly like my cat.

Btw Happy Weekend everyone.

And dunkie, you a real readhead? :thinking:

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I’d definitely be if I could! Even if natural redheads are actually more suspectible to certain cancers.

red heads for the win :fire:

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Good afternoon! :eyes:

Paruzzaro (Novara) is a GREAT place! I found my own Disneyland. :heart_eyes:
There is a huge antiques store full of amazing antiques and mid-century vintage quirky objects and furniture.
I bought a couple things for my apartment, I’m in love! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And with 90 minutes by car it’s not even that far away.

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oh god. I use to go in novara when i was young but i didnt know there was an antique market or fiera.

grrr i still dont have TL3. i wanted to post an image of a bald man as myself

It’s not really close to Novara, it’s at the end of Lake Maggiore, near Arona.

It’s called Vintage Shop, it’s the best antiques shop I ever visited, honestly, with great prices. It’s like the ones you see in British TV shows like Antiques Road Trip etc. :eyes:

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There will be a cd of sorts on it, but I think its requirements are loosened, as I didn’t lose it to read count.

Only read 40k in 4 months and was 20 per month to keep up, or 25% of all posts and I only really read GD.

So keep it up and you should get it again :slightly_smiling_face: and focus on one toon.

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Sorry to break it to you, mate - he’s actually in his 60’s, wears a wig to cover his bald head, and he has false teeth!! oh, and he is the youngest resident in his local care home :rofl: :rofl:


Don’t make me lock you up in these kennels to be fed to good little Roscoe. Behave!!

shakes tiny manicured finger at Alagondar

Oh, don’t mind me. I’m just off my meds! :yum:

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