Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

such actions is probably a result of weakness in both body and soul. probably not able to lift even a chopstick for some nice chinese chicken soup


I just logged in after a few days of break and got this water bunny mount that is called like the frying pans advertised by Chef Tony on TV… ok Blizzard, thanks I guess… :man_shrugging:


now it tells me we are at the 10275th reply. its a nice mount!


Oh yeah, weird… i think they made alot of comments that were flagged and got removed, but who knows

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congrats! thats a nice mount

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Same, I’m also not seeing the “1 (200) hidden posts” thing either so maybe they have done an update which has made ignore an actual ignore :pray: I hope it means we finally have accountwide ignore too!!!


Takes too long innit!

I also just remembered how old winters were like (and by old, I mean 10 years ago…), and how there was almost always a good heap of snow. All we’d do is be outside all the time, play dirty pranks, pick snowball fights, build snowmen, and finish it all with a hot chow…

…and now, more than half the winter has passed and I’ve yet to see a single snowflake. Times change so much… :frowning_with_open_mouth:


Greta warned us. global warming.

We are getting an increased amount of rain and thunder here. more than previous years.

I’ll send you our cold and icy weather, there might be some snow with it but can’t guarantee more than a single flake.

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Weirdly enough, it was the opposite here last year.

There was literally no rain from March till August 20th… which is one of our national holidays.

I remember it came so violently that I got jumpscared, as if the whole world was about to blow up. Those lightning blasts were terrifying to say the least.

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Italian Weather Reporter “There will be snow today”

Me after a few hours “Ahh, Look, So much snow!”

(took an random online photo with a cloudy sky and saw a milan’s one LOL)


this happened yesterday at like 3 AM. everyone woke up haha

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And here i am, scoffing KFC, ably assisted by my good friend Stella Artois

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ive been to this church! i was only a child at the time. but remember it clearly.


That’s the Duomo! But my favourite (and imho) and most interesting part of Milan are the “Navigli”. Lots of pubs and bars and every last Sunday of the month there is the antiques market!


my city :heart_eyes: dome square is always a good sight.
And navigli! a lot i never go there. On sunday probably ill have an aperitif witha friend o mine there.


Sadly has not can still see somebody and there new alt :frowning:


wow. i was so focused in reading the horus books that i forgot to login. its the 1st wed i jumped since bfa! (holiday excluded ofc)

Well it is Dragonflight, so you missed nothing; the things you could have done today are the things you will be able to do tomorrow and nothing “bad” would happen; no falling behing, no stress, no nothing
Freedom from the hamsterwheel is quite nice!
Hope you enjoyed the book!


Souly sends his regards, and these little yummy drakes!