Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Dunkiee, what is R34? :thinking:

just finished the RP event, Boy, it was a BLAST!!!


What RP event?

We fought against some weird black goo that was infesting pandaria



There’s no better way to learn something than to seek it out for yourself.

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Wait. Wait. Im not able to find r34 in our secret discord codex. I missed some addendum lately?


The first rule about the Secret Board of Directors who decide everything of some secret community that mass flags people is: you do not talk about the Secret Board of Directors of some secret community that mass flags people .
The second rule about the Secret Board of Directors who decide everything of some secret community that mass flags people is: you DO NOT talk about the Secret Board of Directors who decide everything of some secret community that mass flags people!

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ArtificialBrain.Exe Stopped Working.

Initiate Good-Morning sequence:

Good Morning! :smile:


Good morning! Feeling lazy and cozy this morning! :relaxed:


Me too

But I stand up after 10 mins or so

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Morning folks


It seems our/my clone-stalkers are back
Amusing really
Not amusing enough to give it more thought than this. but still
Back on topic!

Let the feast begin!


Huh…that’s not at all suspicious timing :joy:

Edit: just gonna say and issue an apology to clown, seems like all the cloning was in fact that vulpera all along :joy: you really couldn’t make it up… :eyes:


I’m not that sure about that, tho’ you could be right :thinking:
This clone stuff requires intelligence and if anything, the Clown is smart and before landed in my ignore list I have foggy memories calling us or someone sheeps and all, and the clones and it names reflect that mindset
Not to mention, the clever boy played on probably the “Send in the Clowns/Clones” joke :eyes:
Anyhow, not important on the long run, the only one who was bothered was Anizah - who really not deserved any of it - who took the appropiate actions and wrote a ticket
Tho’ I don’t know it had any results or not, but for a time the clone-liking stopped, so who knows?


It’s just odd it stopped the day that vulpera came back from a ban and then starts again the day after he got another long ban and possibly a perma. So it’s either him or someone going way out of their way to make it look like him and why would his mate do that to him?

And out of the two of them I’d put my money on the forum addict to be to the one who would spend all that time making clones of forum users and then swapping between them to hand out likes whilst banned just for the attention from the forums he can’t walk away from.


Felweed definitely doesn’t have this side effect to my current knowledge. Why would I or any of my customers do it? I only sell the goodies to trustworthy people.

Anyways… hello there :sleeping: good afternoon!


Your liker say otherwise :face_with_hand_over_mouth:



So he made us all think it was Clown with all the alts and Clown got some grief from me and it was Twiggz all along ?