[Fixed/Solved] Do we know when they plan to fix heirlooms?

And on top of that typhon fcks up your ESC key and it doesnt work so you cannot close any windows that pops just by pressing escape, it also bugs your animation and whenever you are casting your character is just standing there not moving but the cast bar is going and here comes the next problem that even if someone interupts you you dont see this cause bar is still going. It completly fcked up.

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@Weedcriminal: Oooh, it’s Typhoon causing this? I was wondering what was… This is important info, Blizz might not have found the repro yet, you should def. make a separate ticket for that.

I and many ppl did. The bug is alive from beta and blizz is not doing anything about it.

Well… i wish they start fixing bugs soon

Sorry, too busy coming up with stupid crap like heroic+.

Just adding response here. No off-stats on heirloom seem to work. Got dual haste trinkets for my alt. 0% Haste… Only the exp on kill works. So freaking frustrating, since this is a problem 10+ days ago.

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Bumping This

Bump it up, this bug is still in the game.


Keep bumping until fixed

i just checked today, the bug is still in the game.

Still bugged

i just checked it 5min ago, they are still bugged.

Daily BUMP

Are there any Updates on when this will be fixed?

Its still in the game just checked.

Big bump for visibility

i made my daily check, the bug is still there.

i thought only hit rating didnt work? what about haste/crit/spell power?

Any Yellow stat does not work.

Leather had hit so that does not work, Plate has crit so that does not work

@All: Adding to this thread as well. Some people have reported that maintenance last night fixed heirloom related issues (not 100% sure if all, but at least some).