Does activly playing on two computer at the same time with their own keyboard/mouse is considered as streamline multi-boxing and forbidden?

I appreciate hearing this from a Green poster. It would be great if a Blue poster could confirm this as well. Lots of folk would love to 2 box or 5 box again and some would use 2-5 keyboards/keypads/keysticks if we could get a clear answer from Blizzard.

They changed it because multiboxers were (allegedly) using multiple PCs with one keyboard to mirror the inputs. I still believe it was people having multiple vms on the same machine, and thinking they can fool us.

Anyway - having 2 PCs with 2 keyboards is fine.

Basically the rules is this: One input, one action.


If you have 2 computers. Use 2 keyboard and control them manually, each.

Well, actually if you use two different keyboards in two different computers instead of one mirrored into two different computers then it does not move like a duck nor it acts like a duck because when there is one keyboard Blizzard will detect that the key pulsation in both clients are 100% synchronized, in fact that is the only reason why multiboxing was viable, because key pulsations mirrored are perfectly synchronized, while in your case one human using two keyboards at the same time it is probably impossible for you to reach that level of synchronization, even if sometimes you use both your hands to press keys in both keyboards at the same time.

True, don’t use your forehead or feet.

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