Does Blizzard free up names taken by inactive characters?

Oh! I mean that it’s unfair people have to turn to the forums and look for the name they want. Hoping to get in contact with the person or with someone who knows the player with the name they want,


Ahh yes, agreed.

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And it is difficult to tell if there person is active or not this expansion. Sure you can check the achievement and see if the person has leveled to 120 and is still active on another character.

You don’t need to contact Blizzard to get them to free it up though. After being inactive for 2 expansions the name gets freed up automatically if i assumed correctly.

Blizzard can certainly check if a character has been active, i think being active basically just counts as starting up the WoW client and that marks all characters as “active”, even if they don’t even log in to any character. So names basically just seem to get freed up if someone quits the game for 4+ years.

Your best bet is to write down the name(s) that you’re pining for, then try to create a character with them as soon as a new expansion goes online. Though whether this happens in the pre patch or expansion proper? I haven’t the foggiest clue.

You could always try when the pre-patch it and then when the expansion launches proper just to be safe

Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

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No I´ll hate the player who does it.

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