Does Blizzard try too hard?

Exactly, I’ve been curious about trying tanking but seeing how its done now has completely put me off because its seems so stressful by comparison to other roles. I legitimately feel sorry for tanks in the most recent expansion.

But then DPS complains that it takes so long to find a tank. I wonder why when they are subject to so much abuse and negative behaviour such as DPS pulling mobs because they feel the tank isn’t going fast enough.

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I’m playing tank as an alt this season and it’s not too bad mainly in lower (10-13) keys atm

Hunters especially running ahead and pulling

I dunno… I kinda feel that tanks are treated like junglers are in LoL. When everything is going well, nobody complains but the MOMENT a mistake happens, the DPS starts insulting the tank or tries to kick them.

Yes definitely

Fall Guys was just another flavor of the month game, there’s not interest around it anymore. It didn’t even spawn any memes like Among Us, it’s not mainstay like Fortnite or Valorant. At this instant there are more people watching chess on Twitch than there are people watching Fall Guys.

Because, unlike what older generations think, we younger people value our free time very much and some of us work even more than the older generation does, due to global financial problems.

Some of us just want to get as much stuff done as possible in the free time. Others of us work more than they should, because their income is not enough to pay for the stuff they want to have in live.

There are a few more factors to this, but that is basically the 2 major ones.

Take my turkish friend for example. He works 2-3 jobs at the same time to earn enough money for himself AND to support his family members. Something that isn’t really legal in my country, since we have a regulation for a maximum working hours per week.

Edit: And now take me for example. I have alts. But I play only this character actively at all. I don’t have the time and patience to even consider playing endgame content with anything other than my Paladin here. I hope TWW will change that a bit with Warbands.

if blizz was trying to appeal to younger demographics we wouldn’t have 5 versions of the game. that’s actually what they should do and stop listening to people who are stuck in old versions of wow including retail players who are against every change tbh.

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But if you prefer the original vision, Classic exists. That’s what it’s for, to handle the different tastes of WoW players :dracthyr_comfy_blue:

For myself, I’m glad modern WoW has moved on. I think it’s kind of overkilling in some areas, like the typical weekly key is pitched just a bit too high for the majority of players to derive satisfaction from the system, but at least we have moved on from raid attunement.

Also just a bit of common sense on encounter design. Larodar and Nymue cause continued problems because players cannot reliably see the obstacles they are meant to avoid.

Improving boss ability telegraphing, and just giving a bit more thinking time would do a lot to improve my personal enjoyment and make me feel more competent. None of that actually changes at ‘lower’ difficulty levels either. M+2 or M+20, mechanics go off at the same rate, we just don’t die in them. It doesn’t really do a very good job of training us for the next level above.

WoW makes me feel increasingly reaction-tested and it’s that which is eventually going to make me age out of the game more than anything else.


They cater to an audience that does not exist. Were it not for M+ and raiding still being good gameplay - albeit not mmo gameplay - this game would be a tomb.

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Get rid off ‘cick from group/raid’ and/or make a casual player group finder. Then i guess the speed will get little lower and as tank or healer, if a dps is pulling more adds to you let the dps die^.

One of my friends returned to the game recently after like 7-8 years …he quit after 2 weeks because the game became to simply and easy according to him.

Also I started this season 2 weeks ago …I’m already ksh - i completed all m+ on 20+ to unlock all portals, i cleared the heroic raid in pugs multiple times - full clear including fyrakk multiple times - . I’m not a boosted player I earned everything myself. Ofc I had free time on my hand now so I played almost every day many hours so m+ grinding helped me gear up my toon faster (im already 480 itemlvl+ witch 2 crafted item i crafted for myself). On top of this I geared 4 alts too to ~460+
If this doesnt show how easy the game become then I dont know what would…
Also a few weeks into this season I see the dream event “superbloom” already dying and I play on one of the realms with the highest population :smiley:
Also I already have all the mounts and pets from the new zone and maxed out reputation. I was fairly active for ~2 weeks and im pretty much done with the content - and if you take away the time I spent on my alts doing the events and raids and gearing then for most people it was very doable to reach this point. I can only upgrade my trinkets at this point from heroic raid …or I have to start mythic raiding which i find pointless because its not rewarding enough considering the effort you have to put in.
so from now on i ll just clear the hc raid and Fyrakk on normal and raid finder for the legendary axe… and i ll do 8x20+ mythic dungeons to fill up the 3 tabs of the great vault for 483 itemlvl gear options …i ll have that and 3x heroic raid loot hoping for trinkets.

also worth mentioning with this sped up game with easy loot it is very noticable how toxic the community become in mythic+ and even in raids. Catering to hypercasual player who quit the game after a couple of months until the next patch …and having most of your active players playing a variation of the classic game from 10+ years ago is really not the best business plan if you think about the longetivity of this game…

Games should be made from developers or managers that dont develop it with the phrase in mind: “what does the customer want” and more and only with: “what do I think is cool and fun” .

unfortunately u cant expect creativity anymore in a big company having to make decisions only based on finances. You cant plan or calculate risks when going for the natural approach of art development

Perfect what you already do, take best ideas from the market, perfect them too.
Ignore instant gratification, e-sport, drama
Refuse to elaborate and nerf the grind.

Warcraft should be a casual long term grind game. Like leveling in Classic, gearing up with weekly m+ chest in Legion, getting tier 3 warfront sets / Mecha done pre nerf in BfA. Not hard just takes time.
If they stoped caving to cries the content wouldnt dry up that fast.

Rare rares are trash though, loot scarcity is garbage, group/master loot belongs to the history books, too many bad changes there, all promoted here at the end of BfA, dont see the promoters around though…

And the hottest take, you are not entitled to feel done with a character
Make loot a plently, but chance for sockets, leach, titanforging for max best ilvl - an almost infinite grind.

Magni grind was sovlfull:

Renown grind is soulless fill the bar, no memes about it. Dead end.

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I understand what you mean. The gameplay of the past was more slow, Puny described it well. I personally preferred that, it felt like I could think my way through while nowadays trying to do that can lead to brain overload depending on class/spec :wink:

That said, others do love it. Others manage that. And with the variety in difficulty in dungeons and raids + with the far more relaxed outdoor content I think anyone has the chance to figure out where they think they fit. You don’t need to be perfect at the game to have fun.

I’m not even sure younger players are the reason. My guess is it’s actually the veterans, regardless of their age, because they know the game so well and wish for new challenge, new growth, and have done old content too often to enjoy it for its own sake. Which is all understandable and no reason to blame, even if it makes some of us feel as if it’s a constant sprint instead of a nice, steady marathon :wink:

As I said, WOW has become a game for toddlers and all this kissing and dancing between Alliance and Horde and saving the Universe every patch is making the game boring. I still play the game every day but I usually go to old zones, even if there are no rewards for finishing the quests, because I am tired of this stupid ideea of saving the world again and again and again. And yes, the crafting proffesions these days are almost useless. All you have to do is to run several Raids and Mythic and that’s it, you got the gear.

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