Does the game FoRbId an addon from remembering your last pet?

The appalling situation for many years now, that your companion pet vanishes all the time and rarely comes back by itself.
Now after digging a little and finding many outdated pet addons, I found two, one very simple and one very feature-rich:

And for some damn frustrating reason, while they’re dealing with your list of favorites and/or with random selection, both do not offer the option to simply re-summon the last pet you used, basically offering a solution for a years-ongoing BUG.

This is insane! Two addons that still offer something related in an up-to-date state but not what is needed to solve the actual problem, instead jumping right and only to fancier, more complex stuff.

Check Gello’s plugins on wowinterface, they do a lot of pet battle stuff and might have something.

I found nothing in the list there.

BTW, dunno whether the forum notifies, I updated my last post here:

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