Doomhammer Alliance Reconnections

Dude, so many memories hahahahah!

I actually remember a lot of these ppl, i was also in Divine Exile. Jonone, my papi, Mequeritta, his GF.

Askulap as well, Hazaki, Knox. JESUS CHRIST!

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God damn Commando!
How u been dude? I think u were our first to get Thunderfury. Good times :heart:

Oh yeah Jonones GF, I knew she was there aswell but couldn’t get her name right.

We had some fun in DE.

Hey slim, am still in touch with zoltar to this day! I’ve sent him a message that your asking after him. But he still plays on DH to this day

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Thank you Repza, I’ll log over and see if I catch him online!


How are you doing? Find me on Kaithos #2259

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Khaithos here, dwarf rogue.

Raided with Defectu Virium Elite and later Vigilantes(shorter period).
I remember : Krudos (pally), Commando (war), Gerkos(rogue), Lymion(priest), Varpoxan(mage), Brighid(priest rank 14) Lockbox (same guy rank 14 rogue too),Bleekin (warlock),Kratos (druid), Nightbreed (rank14 rogue)

My best memories: Kill ony first time. Ride around on a gnome epic mount.

Find me on Kaithos #2259

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Vindariel, nelf holy priest, Eternal Gathering (and honorary VIP member of Dark Dominion).

Too many good memories to share, so I’ll give my worst one: watching the server-first Ancient Petrified Leaf drop get ninja-looted, ouch!

Shout-outs (in no particular order) to: Fenii, Cidolfas, Xerena, Aldath, Shandazar, Darkstrider, Alexander, Dazstar, Camael, Cleric, Loreanol, Quolema, Darkscythe, Roenemans, Elpedro, Jesper, Billypower, Nightlore, Rebornking… and the legendary Bigcheif!

I know I’m missing a bunch of names and see some familiar ones here, so: thanks everyone for making DH such a great server to play on. Kinda sucks to see it at “new player” population these days.

I paid £9.99 to write this so I might as well roll on a classic server now :roll_eyes: thinking maybe Mirage Raceway under this name, Alliance ofc. If anyone knows anybody putting an old DH crew together, let me know…


Painstorm - Hunter
Played/raided in different guilds, but Atlas Shrugged was the most awesome one :slight_smile:
Played with some great hunters back then, Eromir and Allianza (I think) come to mind.
Also a shout-out to the best GM, I’ve ever had… Johngalt (Atlas Shrugged).

Painstorm is starting again on Pyrewood Village (Alliance).

Zyrin(Mage), Daveknight (Deathknight), Boosh (Pala) are the only characters I can remember from my old account :’( (changed to Toasted (Mage) when migrated)

Used to play in Ancestral Legacy, the memories from that clan were amazing! Special mention to Arlando (when he wasn’t AFK on the AH Bridge in IF) & Galathrox! Remember crying with laughter most nights with them two.

When Ancestral Legacy split into two I recall there being Rising Dreams & Atlas Shrugged, I played in RD for a little while but I was too casual, then moved to AS for a bit, then Eternal Gathering as a social member whilst moving my main to Rebel Knights when they moved over to Kilrog, then the game got a bit pants :expressionless:

Names i remember -Mikibg, Littleratty, Neddie, Squib, Scottishfury, Galathrox, Gnomester, Arlando, Billypower, Roenemans… so many more but I can’t think of them right now!!

Meant to do it on this char! Freakin legend! What server are you playing on for vanilla Holt?

Hahaha! I’ll be on Mirage (PvE) for sure, with Holt probably. I’m considering Shazzrah as well for PvP but i’m not quite sure yet…

If i go PvE i’ll stick to ally, else i’ll go Horde. Let me know if you have any plans (server-char etc).

yeah me and Igball/Smoothie are going Shazzrah pvp.

Cidolfas from Eternal Gathering here (Hi Vindariel) :slight_smile:
On Silvermoon mostly now, still got a char or 2 on doomhammer I think.

Can find me on Discord zzidolfas#1337 or Steam @ Zzidovski
Not planning on playing wow classic, but waiting to see if a new good expansion comes along @ blizzcon.


Adestar, played in Enigma with some epic 40 man battles and The Holy Hammer - anyone floating about still these days ? :slight_smile:


Arkar, Dwarf Hunter. Used to play with Enigma and honestly i can’t remember what other guilds i played with. I remember some legendary personalities from ancient doomhammer though like that dude that was always in the IF bridge near the ah dressed as a farmer. I used to be called Afkar because since i was 12 years old i had to go eat dinner with my parents in the middle of raids.


This char ^

Legends of azeroth and enigma.

Only names I remember is Mishva and Ramira I think.


Played on this toon in Enigma.

Nice to see a few Enigma people on the forum, and never thought i should see u write something without caps Simbolyc. And the reason u got called Afkar was its not ideal to go afk during Baron Geddon xD

Still a few old Enigma playing on anachronos. Where the guild moved during TBC.

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Legends of Azeroth
Night Elf Rogue

We’ve already got quite the community going(130+), with 4 ex LoA members so far, and we’re planning to play on Firemaw PVP EU. If you like to join, hit me up on Discord!
Disc: Varox#9101
Bnet: Varox#2933

Vivian here, guild Enigma, together with Ferina for a long time, doing Zul’Gurub with Simbolyc as CAPS-LOCK-LEADER and exploding with the whole raid with Arkar! Good times!