<Critical Hit> is a midcore raiding guild, once again recruiting new raiders for The War Within Season 2!
We’re a long standing guild, first founded at the start of Legion in 2016, with a core group of players that have come together for every tier since.
Our goals for each season is to clear Normal/Heroic raids as fast as we can and go into mythic with a solid team of people and have fun. If you’re looking for a laidback raid environment, with a mind for progression when it counts, then look no further!
The War Within
Nerub-ar Palace - 4/8M
Liberation of Undermine - 8/8HC
Application below
We raid: Wednesday & Thursday - 20:00 to 23:00 (Server Time) [19:00/22:00 UK GMT] - We also raid on Sunday but that is Optional (just for the first 2 weeks) Just to get the ball rolling
What were looking for:
Arms/Fury Warrior
Enh Shaman
Balance Druid
Ele Shaman
Shadow Priest
Restro Druid
Restro Shaman
Disc/Holy Priest
MW Monk
All the classes above is what we are after, Good applications will be taken into account
If you wish for more information contact me - Profwedgie#2232
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