I hope that they are trolling us and that they will reveal something amazing for 500 mounts…
If that’s not a placeholder then I don’t know what to say. What an awful, ugly, lazy piece of work.
What about a nightmare drake? Something cool that we don’t already have.
It’s getting changed.
If you look at all the miunts you get from collection achievements, almost all of them are kinda boring. Thats why I stopped collecting mounts, I still do collect them, but not as kuch as I would if the rewards were better…
Most of them are recolours, but some recolours look really nice, but this mount for 500… thats just sad.
Seems the playerbase has been heard.
I think we went through similar last time with the mount reward and they had to rethink and change it.
There are so many cool unused recolours of mounts that get data mined over the years, you’d think they’d manage to pick a nice one from that.
I agree, Puny. I’m also really happy to see how many people actually care about mount collecting.
It’s like 1% of my mount collection is from gold boosts rest i farmed big time.
And about 900 mounts i did edit to 800 i was writing wrong, i am not lying
I’m glad they’re changing the mount, shameful if they didn’t. What I don’t understand is how they chose to greenlight it and not even a day or two later say “We agree with the community” like who said it was okay in the first place then??
Also side note, unsure why my post got flagged, is it because I used the word ‘wank’? ^^’
I guess people is to salty for that word
I’d do anything for another firehawk model. Those mounts are 10/10
I saw they adding 2k pet achiv to, how is that even close to 500 mount achive ?
Nobody got 2k unique pets ingame atm
what is that ugly mount?
There should be one of aspects as mount like giant Alexstrasza in dragonflight expansion. Not this useless ugly yeti.
im stuck at 320…
Well keep working on it
Great that they are considering adding something new, and glad they changed this boring already used Yeti model.
What I would like though, is to add more. If the jump is from 400 to 500 (not 50 like we’ve seen before), they should also consider 600, 700, 800 and maybe even 900 in the future. I just hit the 651 mark a few days ago, and will for sure get 700 in DF.
Well they adding 2k pet achiv and nobody got 1,6k pets even, i say it shoud be same for mounts, add like 1k and u got something to work for.
Idk, is the Alpha not just like a PTR and no progress there carries over into the live version of DF?
If so, it is likely that the mount is just a placeholder.
I really hope it was just a placeholder… otherwise it’s straight up disrespectful.
I don’t think it was a placeholder
Got any grapes?