Dragonflight Beta Key Giveaways Are Here!

Nothing to do with jealousy. It’s just frustrating loyalty never gets rewarded anymore just spoiled streamers


They chose Streamers over Veterans because of LITERALLY VIEWER NUMBERS. Just like Fan Channels of X games on Youtube also does the exact same thing since forever.

If you are not a Content Creator and don’t have a bucketload of constant big Viewership, you will always be left in the wind when it comes to this.

This isn’t new at all. Blizz just copies how every other Company does this since forever.


Ye maybe not for you, but i guranteer you that there are people that are also jealous of things like this.

I don’t even care about Beta at this point.
Warrior had a good tree and they continued to ruin it over and over. Right now it’s worse then the current Talent tree…

I don’t even know how a beta looks like :rofl:

never had a beta invite here either, played since late 2005 (with many breaks ofc)

-white noise-

true this…

only thing they know about you is your sub number and how much you pay them

Did another wave of invites go out with the latest beta build?

And for those that don’t like streamers? Are we left in the dark?


Blizzard is giving free advertising to big streamers by bribing people with beta keys?

What happened to the idea that streamers promoted games, not games promoting streamers.

This reminds me of the occasional time I’ve seen a streamer on the battle net launcher, I’m sure the streamer selected was excellent, however it seems backwards that a multi-billion-dollar company is promoting a person streaming games, rather than the streamer promoting Blizzard.

I guess I’d be less salty if I was getting free advertising from a massive games publisher.


I don’t watch any streamers and even I recognise a few of the names on this list.

I don’t entirely like the premise of giving keys to streamers to give away but at least they are being transparent about who has keys to give away and when rather than in previous years.

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No Assmonbald, noice. Well played Blizzard, didn’t think you’d get rid of the most negative of ‘content creators’.

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At least Nobbel is on that list. The rest I have no idea who are at all.

I’ll pass thanks.

The majority shouldn’t have to watch a bunch of streamers (who are mostly incredibly boring to watch on a good day) to get a tiny chance to get beta access for the game.


So is watching a streamer now the only way to get Beta?

i’ve never watched a live wow stream before.

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It is not even the streamers that decides who wins a key, but a third party judging the worthiness of our Twitter accounts…

Forgot to add me lol.

Also if you cancel your subscriptions and don’t play for a month you usually get a beta invite from previous releases. To try to win back business