looking at the tree, while playing if builds with needs or not needs for utility in diferent scenarios i found some things i disagree:
once you pick vampiric blood, you get talents to improve it on the left but then the other talents for vamp blood are down on the far right.
if u want purgatory u will need to spend 2 talents on improved mass grip even if you did not take mass grip talent.
bonestorm and DnD talent on the oposite side of the other synergy talents
reworked the bottom rows of the blood talent tree.
-swaped the red thirst collum to next the other vamp blood talents on the left
-put the more aoe centric talents next to each other down the collum to the right (improved DnD talents, extra RP on multi targets hit with HS, bonestorm)
-swaped purgatory and gorfiends graps talents to fit better the needs in case u dont need to take grasp
current “alfa” talent calculator, remove spaces:
https:// mythictrap. com/dragonflights-talents?dkClassTree=5
reworked talents image, remove spaces:
https:// cdn.discordapp. com/attachments/219155768618909696/983370737173807214/unknown.png