Dragonflight Season 4 is Now Live!

Ah ok, I normally ignore a lot of stuff Blizzard type out, as it’s not done in a way, that makes sense.

It’s like “Should we say twice a week?” “no say bi-weekly!”.

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The reality probably is they meant fortnitely but thought bi-weekly meant that instead. Who knows, let’s make some conspiracy theories for fun until they address it!

Hmmm conspiracy theories you say… rubs face

looks over photos of Blizzard developers… nope I won’t say it, I’ll be banned!

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As long as there is no Que for Mythic 0 it won’t matter what changes you make as people will still gatekeep and few will jump in.

many so-called theories are actually quite true.

It’s still odd though, affixes usually rotate on a weekly basis

The baseline Dawn of the Infinite will be more challenging and rewarding; however, it will not be included in the bi-weekly rotation. Additional details on the variety of adjustments to dungeons and their progression can be found in our previously published article.

It’s more like the bi didn’t belong there at all. But I guess we’ll find out.

Gear is already reset every patch and becomes irrelevant .
Even this patch your current Mythic raid gear , will be equal to random heroic gear or starter LFR .

We are looking at ANOTHER 40 item lvl jump .
Likely 2 million health pools .
Abilities hitting for 1 million .
This will lead to an almost guaranteed extreme item level squish before War Within .

If anything with this new “season” philosophy , gear in WoW has become completely irrelevant and apart from not being one-shot by everything , I see 0 point in trying to for Mythic or even Heroic Tier …
Maybe gear looks … And even gear looks can be farmed in the next expansion , with much less stress .

Yes, I can see by your name :dracthyr_lulmao:

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Back on the treadmill boys and girls. And for those without curve; buy your boost now or you’ll never be able to get it again!!.

Hope ill make it to childrens week this year before i get bored and do something else.

is there any reason to buy boost this season ? is there mount on AOTC ?

genuine question not sure if i missed that then i will for sure buy one :slight_smile:

Or join a community doing runs, for example.

There are plenty of others probably doing the same.

It means both, can get confusing.

I guess time will tell, both seem wrong considering we usually change weekly.


Who came up with that? This is why we say fortnightly!

Seems to be an American word when I google. And both meanings. Bizarre.

Americans are bizarre with our language. :axe:


That is a better way of saying it. Although not sure the Americans use the term.

Yes and thus probably the issue.

Are servers down? Every server on the list is “incompatible” for me. Launched through PTR DF 10.2.6

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