[Druid event] - Emerald Assembly - 08/09


Druids! Brothers and sisters of the wild. The Emerald Assembly calls upon you once more to gather and see what news comes from all around Azeroth. Let us gather and see what we can once more do to aid our home.


Date: 08/09/2024


Dreamgrove, Druid Class Hall

20:00 - 20:15: Opening

20:15 - 21:00: How can we assist the younger generation of druids in their studies? What about other races who wish to step on the druidic path?

21:00 - 21:15: Little break

21:15 - 22:00: Open discussion about topics brought up

If there is nothing left to discuss, the Assembly might end sooner.

OOC Details:


Hey Argent Dawn, time for a new Assembly. However, this time things will be different. I have decided that I am going to split the Assembly up into the actual EMERALD Assembly and the NATURE Assembly.

What is the difference you may ask? It’s rather easy:

From this time onwards the Emerald Assembly is purely and only for -actual- druids, who’re allowed to be members of the Assembly. This means that the race needs to have the class OOCly. In these meetings we’ll talk about current things happening on Azeroth and other druid related events. This can go from how we can increase the knowledge of other races/students, to current things happening on Azeroth.

The Nature Assembly will be there for those who’re associated with nature, inexperienced races or simply characters who are on a path to learn about the druidic ways. These meetings might also be lectures, where an experienced druid comes forward to talk about Wild Gods, nature magic and more.

This will ofcourse go through a testing phase and I will see what I can do to make things more enjoyable for everyone.


It’s good to make use of the class hall!

It’s a beautiful area!

It’s a shame the mage one (to my knowledge) wasn’t used that much and is about to be lost too :disappointed:


Love the niching down of this for the Druids! Have shared with ours incase they got the time to pop along :slight_smile:


Sounds interesting, would be keen to join in. I’m newer to RP and would like to see an event like this. Particularly related to Druidism


A bump to remind people this is happening tomorrow!


Thank you Meladriss for another lovely meeting :smiley:

The next meet up will be the Nature Assembly.

We discussed how experienced Druids (& Troll Shapeshifters) could help the novice / apprentice Druids. Here is a brief summary of what was agreed to by most.

  1. Each Nature Assembly will be an opportunity for Druids to impart knowledge to those interested in Druidism. For example, different races bring their own unique cultural beliefs and philosophies into druidism, so embracing these differences while teaching the fundamentals of the druidic path would be beneficial.
For example
  • Night Elves: Focus on the balance of nature, the Emerald Dream, and the cycle of life and death.
  • Tauren: Their druidic practices centre around reverence for the Earthmother and her eyes, An’she (the Sun) and Mu’sha (the Moon), focusing on the interconnectedness of all life.
  • Worgen: Emphasise the raw primal nature of druidism, rooted in their curse, and how druidism has helped them control their inner ferocity.
  • Trolls (Zandalari & Darkspear): Lean more on the loa and ancient spirits, with a special focus on their jungle environment.
  • Kul Tirans: Have their own understanding of nature magic, tied closely to their land and its wild seas and death, which could provide new interpretations of the druidic path.
  1. As well as the above, opening up lectures or ‘lessons’ to those races not normally associated with Druidism (although some lessons / lectures may be restricted based on circumstance, for example, some traditions may be race specific and would not be shared outside of said race. This would be up to the individual hosting the lecture / lesson and be discussed with the host (Meladriss) to check what is on offer is appropriate to be open to anyone (or if there should be some attendance restrictions).

  2. Light hands on service, in the name of balance and nature mini events may be held on some of the nature assemblies that can involve gathering of herbs, making salves and so on.

  3. To supplement the rp between learners and mentors between the month the Emerald Assembly happens, some mini research projects may be assigned (if the learner wanted to, its completely optional). Novice Druids / Apprentices would go out and spend some of this time approaching other Druids, finding out about the topic of the assignment and then at the next Nature Assembly feeding back briefly on what they have discovered. Any Druids who would be willing to be involved in this and be happy to be approached by any race (red or blue) to seek their knowledge, we’ve put together a Druid database (link is hyperlinked), where Druids can let their credentials be known and provide some information on how they can be contacted (in game mail / whisper, etc). There are 2 examples on there already and the hope is it will be a place where novices know who to contact for whatever knowledge it is they seek. If you are interested in hosting in the nature assembly, you can register this interest in the Druid database as well.

As soon as we have a date for the Nature Assembly next month we can let you know.

And last, please feel free to join the Emerald Enclave community for any updates by clicking the hyperlink: Emerald Enclave invite