Druid/DK Tank lf mythic Raid Guild

Hey Guys

As of right now its almost impossible to find any Guild thats currently looking for a Tank on german Realms so im trying my luck here.
My english isnt perfect but im confident enough.

I play Guardian Druid as my Main but i would change to DK if needed. Dk has lower Gs as my Druid but that shouldnt be the issue.
Im tanking Raids and M+ since Legion and with great success(best was 8/11 Mythic) but i never grasped for CE so i dont know how far my skills would bring me.

Im currently at 7/8 Heroic and 1/8 Mythic and started doing 15/16 Keys(Pugs). I would love to Tank for any People in the Guild that asks me.

History of my raiding since Legion:
EN-8/8 Hc(1st raidtier)
NH: 3/10 M
ToS: 6/10 M
AtbT: 8/11 M
Uldir: 5/9 M
SoDA: Only Heroic(Did a Mythic Break)
EP: 6/9 M
Nyalotha: 6/11 M
Nathria: 5/10 M
SoD: 9/10(Technically 7/10. Progressed until ~5% on Rohkalo and Kelthuzad but was sick on there Kills)
SotFo: 5/11 M(2nd Break until late into the Tier. Didnt do them in the last Season as fated/only rekilled each of them with no progress on others)
(Im not 100% sure of the acutal Bosscounts of each Raid but its safe to assume that most have 50-60%)

A quick “tip-toe” into my Personality. Im a shy Person that doesnt talk too much but im not afraid to use my Mic if needed. I can handle critique well if its said objectivly and in general im always happy if someone pointed out a Mistake im doing over and over again or just a better Route than the one i choose (for M+).
My Character is always fully entchanted and im also on there respective Class Discord to be up-to date about them.
My internetconnection is good (not a single Disconnet in the last ~3 Years). My PC is about 4 Years old(I7 9th Gen, RTX 2070, 32GB RAM,m2 SSD). There wont be any issue from my side.

Just to give you some infos about how well i perform(DK are from SL):
Druid: /character/eu/blackhand/abeytjin#spec=Guardian&class=Druid
Dk: /character/eu/eredar/aberoq?zone=29#spec=Blood&class=DeathKnight

Im not afraid to change my current Realm to the one your Guild is (ofc).
For further informations you can add me with my Bnet: SativaToast#2891

Thanks for reading:)

Edit: Oh and i also dont mind if Alliance or Horde.
Ps: Im actually a funny Person xD
PPS: Im currently also leveling my Prot Warrior, Prot Paladin and VDH. Im pretty flexible what Class i play so if you are interessted but doesnt want a Druid or DK Tank we could find a Way to “fix” this xD

are you interested only for german realms ? hows draenor sounding ?

No, german speaking People have there own Forum. Im currently looking on both. There for german Raids/Realms and here for english Raids/Realms.

Push this Way up

You sound like a good fit for us Abeytjin. I have sent you a Battlenet request. This is my guild if you would like to get your research in before accepting: [H][Tarren Mill] Exsilium (2 day, non CE) 2/8M is looking for a Blood DK/Prot Pally

I hope to hear form you but if not then good luck in finding the right home for you.

Ive found a new Place. Thanks everyone