Druids OP, pve items op & dks OPness with tridents et

When does this clown fiesta ends blizzard tell me ?

you a holes ruining pvp in all aspects and I hate u for that

Getting feedback its bad for pvp with all these pve items like void stone et… and ofc u don’t give a damn… well my middle finger for your company


Love how you intentionally left out WWs


Game is just a s**t show rn lets face it. you cant just list 2 without listing them all. or mentioning how the most recent blizz con mage, destro was it? and resto dru going 9-0 like it was nothing. that would of stirred more banter.

All that needs to happen is revert gear back to WoD system. PvP gear increased by 30ilvls in PvP, while PvE was reduced by 30-40ilvls I believe. That would stop pretty much all these PvE heroes from mongoing people down with the M10 gear and CoS gear. Also just disable all PvE gear equip abilities in instanced PvP and everything will be back to normal.

I get the fun of them in PvE and stuff and why blizzard implemented them so people could have some variety but just disable them in PvP it’s not that hard. The code is in the game from Legion.


Game is bad and is not worthy the money.
I fell miserable and now have 4 months left till sub expires.
Playing on a P servers becouse I have more fun on them.

lol dk op XD dk op cose of pve gear
but what about ww or locks wich are broken without any pve help?
stop trolling bro

I still don’t think pve gear is the main problem. All this self healing the fact nothing can die every game is dampening and then ontop of that you have pve items that add x absorb and X heal which makes classes even more unkillable.

I like pve gear that adds damage makes the game faster and more interesting but aside from that caster trinket that silences t
We haven’t seen anything like that for a while.

In an mmo game gear should matter, currently a healer most of the time can just run off and drink and in most occasions not have to worry there DPS is going to die or a healer can go full retard and do DPS and not have to worry they will die.

This needs to stop healers need to be killable if they are dpsing DPS need to be killable if the healer runs off and drinks some self healing is far too strong changes need to be made.

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yea pve gear is a part of the big problem
design is just bad

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Being forced to pve to be viable in PvP shouldn’t be a thing. Also as I see you don’t realise that not pve gear should make you viable. But then again you play the most retardfriendly and op class in-game so what do you even know about the rest and their design problem

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Windwalkers are worse than dk and dhs

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Atleast they can die but dhs and dks on the otherhand…

Monk is the most unkillable class in arena

Dk can’t escape monk and dh escape and their defence cds are on 1 and half minute cd monk also has a port behind a pillar

No mate the fact you think pve gear is the main problem shows how stupid you are. Dampening shouldn’t be the win condition at all almost every comp at high rating is dampening and dampening makes so many other comps strong because before they could never be viable because they could never kill anything now dampening means all these stupid comps that were never viable are now broken because there becomes a point when healer is useless and heals don’t matter any more.

Dampening is also what makes these stupid absorb items so strong because in dampening healer becomes less important but absorb is not affected by dampening so if you have these broken absorb items they will save you when healing no longer matters.

Pve gear has been in the game for many years and it’s never been as bad as it is right now with absorb items and dampening.

Somebody with good gear should do more damage and heal more and have more health than somone with no gear fact.

Yet you’re the one playing DH with full pve gear.
Class design is a way bigger problem atm and also sustained damage is way too low and that’s why nothing can die without CDs.
But pve gear>PvP gear in Instanced PvP that’s bullshat and should be even allowed.
The fact that you can’t accept that shows how retarded and ignorant you are. Being forced to clear Full raid and get Tanking trinket as a dps or even and intellect trinket as a dps should not be the case of you want to focus on pvp.

Yet what are the source of these bullshat items? Pve gj ./clap yourself

What you cant understand is that PVE items should be nerfed in PvP or PvP items should be increased in PvP combat. Just like in wod.
And also guess you’re retarded since even if we had pve gear in game for many years we had PvP Stats which gated pve players in PvP.
In wod we didn’t had the stats but we had ilvl increase in Instanced PvP of PvP gear. The problem came in legion where they just fcked everyone who wanted to PvP because of good pve gear was(thanks to templates) and how much more easily you could get it compared to PvP.
So I guess either get your fact right or don’t even fcking post because you clearly have no fcking clue about what you’re talking

Ps: don’t play a DH since as your example shows your iq and intelligence decreases with it

Your just saying the same pointless stuff over and over yes I have pve gear did I have to do it no and not all my gear is pve just because that’s all you can see doesnt mean it’s what I use.

That aside you still don’t get that the only reason the absorb tank trinkets and absorb gear is is strong is because of dampening and all these self heals makeing already tanky classes even more brokenly tanky.

If all you can add is the same stupid argument over and over without actually looking at the reasons said gear is broken then don’t bother replying.


Ok so as you brought up self heals on broken tanky specs let’s make a suggestion. Reduce Death Strike healing by 50% and DH leech by 50% while also removing 100% dodge from blade dance. Oh and might as well put a fury cost on Mana Rift, let’s say 50 fury.

While we’re at it reduce Demon Skin stamina buff by 10%, give Feral Druid’s more sustain damage, reduce resto druid feral affinity damage by 30%. Shimmer will now cancel Greater Pyroblast cast, all CC has a minimum 15 sec CD and either remove wind shear from resto shaman or give all healers a spell kick.

Bring back set bonus for PvP gear to make it on par or superior to PvE gear in PvP content.

Let’s keep going shall we, make disc priest more mana efficient and buff angelic feather to remove all root and snares and grant immunity for 4 seconds giving them some escape mobility. Make lightning lasso no longer castable while moving, and reduce fist of fury slow from 90% to 50% or make it the same as lasso and not being able to move while casting.

How’s that for not being the same thing over and over? Maybe we could get some other ideas rolling on some class changes we’d like to see that aren’t entirely retarded.

Edit: make shaman direct heals more potent by buffing them 20% and seeing how that goes to begin with.

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i agree with alot of that not the shaman having ranged kick removed. and i dont think dh should have the dodge removed from blade dance but rather remove it from the standard rotation so i dont have to use it in single target make it good in cleave or niche to try and dodge kidney ect.

Hold on right there! Stop giving Blizzard ideas!

Dude I’m trying to give suggestions to balance the game…I play with an Ele sham in 2’s and 3’s so it would affect me but it along with other needed changes would bring some more balance to the game. They removed Monk being able to move while casting Soothing Mists so they will likely remove the lasso moving as well at some point.

I do however like how you dislike my Ele sham change but don’t disagree with the Mage one even though both are %based abilities.

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