Dwarven Guilds

Morning lads,

Dwarf warrior, loyal to beautiful Ironforge (I tear up every time I stand before her mighty gates) is looking for a dwarven guild so as he can share stories, adventure and smash hordies!

First to come to mind

If you want something Gnome / Dwarf mixed you have

I think there’s more but can’t remember now


Bless this honourable Dwarven son of the mountain.


“I understand the Assemblage of Uld is recruiting new members. Not bad work… if you’ve got the stones for it.”


Of the two the Three hammers is the lesser of two evils. So if you can’t find something else go with them.

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What a weird post to make there, buddy. Are you simply posting vaguely about your preferences, or do you have anything meaningful to add :slight_smile: ?


Nah the Assemblage of Uld is instead an incredibly good guild and I think if someone with hidden alts makes a vague post you should always do the opposite of what said post implies


first making some silly vaguepost about the town crier waking up orphan NPCs and now this

Are you just trying to go against the establishment and make these quasi IC/confrontational anti-PCU posts for the sake of it, or did they do something to you


I’d vote for Three Hammers. A really fun bunch that I’ve met in cross rp events :slight_smile:


The Assemblage of Uld is a truly brilliant guild, they’ve brought so much good story into the gnome and dwarf RP scene. Their theme revolves much around the titans and their creations, quite explorative so to speak!

I highly recommend them.


I don’t particullarly like either and if i had to choose between the two i’d pick the three hammers. Simple as that. Never understood why people have to try and find hidden meanings in things. Don’t like my opinion. Meh, that’s your opinion. doesn’t change mine.

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Noone asked for your opinion + your guild is a vanity tag.


No one asked you to post, dragon


Great way to start… talking about two popular and great guilds, going as far to say that TTH is the lesser of the two evils - implying the Assemblage is some sort of evil guild…? Very vague post. Remind me… how is Clan Stoneforge doing?

You may not like either of the two guilds, as we’re all allowed to have opinions. But then don’t all-out say you don’t like them. Doesn’t bring much confidence into a guy looking for RP. If everyone on AD had to reply to a forum thread about a certain person or guild they don’t like, we’d have enough drama until the heat death of the universe.

I can recommend both The Three Hammers (a.k.a. Hammerguard) and the Uld folks. RPd with the Hammerguard for a year with Sainur but I’ve moved on with him as a character. I still have an alt in TTH and I remain an officer, so contact us in-game if you’re wondering.

Assemblage of Uld I’ve had some brief and solid interactions with and if you’re all about the Titans, and like exploring with eccentric Gnomes - go for them.

That’s about it for dwarf guilds, though TTH is pretty much the only remaining active dwarf-only guild.


Ok but who tf even asked


Ignore the grumpy one.
I’ll echo that both Three Hammers and Assemblage are great and fun to RP with.

I lean towards recommending Assemblage, mainly cause they’re part of the wider community that I’m in!


Cheers buddy!

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Saying you don’t like a guild is a strong indication of its high quality, based on the kinds of roleplay you do

I hope you post an individual criticism for every piece of roleplay I’m involved in (unironically)

By Magni’s beard, who asked laddie !

Three Hammers is (AFAIK) more dwarf-centric, Assemblage of Uld is more based around the shared Titan heritage angle - IDK if that’s a good fit for your character or not

Good luck all the same, OP


… Psst, OP. Clan Stormheart :eagle: :zap:


dangerous symbols to put so close to each other…!