Earthen Wall Totem - Visuals

Hello fellow Shamans,

I’m only here to see the interest from the brave Restorations Shamans out there.
Earthen Wall Totem
First off i have Resto Shaman on Alliance and also on Horde.
I’ve clearly seen the issue with this spell.

  1. There is absolutely nothing you recognize with the totem unless you are the actual healer, i don’t blame the other players for that.

  2. The visual of the totem is barely seen, at some environments you simply can’t see it at all.

Blizzard, i wanna highlight this talent till 8.3
Could you please make it look more engaging? So you feel like ah, i should probably stand in that or something…
It’s already enough with people still not somehow avoid Healing Rain for the past years haha, for that matter you should enhance the visuals on Healing Rain aswell.

Abit concerned Shaman

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Totally agree! It just disappears in everything else… visuals are too weak.


I guess we are alone in this matter haha. Thought this was a clear thing. But just as Blizzard, the community doesn’t care about Shamans anymore.

Made a topic about it not so long ago, u can try this weak aura that someone mentioned in another topic. I’ve forgotten to get it myself, but might try it if i remember :sweat_smile:


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