"Elitists" are blindingly ruining the enjoyment with their MIN-MAX/META obsession

Well, I wasn’t blaming players. I was blaing “ELITTISTS”. The ones that like to MIN-MAX, but force than upon others view and can’t accept that people like to play the game for the fun of it, for the enjoyment, to let the steam pressure of real life go low with the helping of a great game with great gameplay.

Elitists have always been in game, but during Vanilla, TBC, WotLK, all you could ask for someone would be to have enchants and consumables.

And yeah, I don’t have friends to play with, but I have kids that barely let me play :slight_smile:

Well i didnt want classic, if i did i would write like that.But classic wow has its own problems.Master loot is at the top for example. Personal loot is the best thing in retail wow.
Classic dont have its own wow token system; so i dont have any reason to play it.(im a wow token player for 3 expansion)
Also classic has a loooong way of leveling process, which i couldnt pass level 21 ;and couldnt even play with a person ;
Even the players i saw while leveling didnt want to help me for an elite

quest; Some of them said ''get good : wtf lol ?? ‘’
After playing several days and few weeks, i gave up because of boredom.Most of the community is at top level. Low levels are barren, as if it is a private realm.

This is the real core reason why the game is more focused on min maxing. Heroic and mythic raider community.

Imagine every time people looked for job in real life and get said this sentence. How annoying would be.

According to me ; there should be 3 difficulties for dungeon and 1 for raids. normal/Heroic dung/myhtic dung. and Raid difficulty for raids.

-M+ toxic because of min maxing and spec/class favoring.
-Mythic raiding is toxic because it is realm wide and it is not easily puggable.It is also a gearcheck.Thats why also call it ‘‘endgame’’ lulz.
-Heroic raid is a big meh, but depends on ‘‘player persuasion’’ i guess. To be picked as a melee dps over another range dps.
-And no, i dont really want socialization in guilds.Maybe not in guilds or raids. I’ve lived enough life time of guild drama in my past. Interracting with dozens of people tends to result in guild drama sooner or later. And i love my casual calm gameplay. ıf pugs would get removed from game , i would uninstall wow and never come back lol.


Yeah I have absolutely zero desire to play the version of wow you just described.


The truth is that most guilds will let their members play whatever they like. The Meta toxicity is mainly a problem in PUGs.


I have never experienced any guild drama and I have played the game since vanilla. I guess certain types of people attracts drama more than others.

Almost all threads in here complaining about M+, Rio, Metas, min-maxing, LFG etc. etc. are based around PUGs. The content is not the problems… it’s the people playing it.


In the pug scene this wasn’t really an issue because of how the gearing worked in Legion and in BFA. Titanforging and gear you got from world quests were pretty decent in ilvl and due to how much loot one got even pug players got the ilvl where it didn’t matter who you invited to your keys. Doing all 15s were much easier because you had the option to massively outgear it.

Fast forward to SL where doing 15s is still not that easy, and gear is harder to come by, so people resort to going selective with their class options to maximize the chance that they do not ‘waste’ their 15 key. The low loot amount, the inbalance between the covenants and to an extent the AoE target cap all play a small role in this.

It also does not help that the 10+ affix, Prideful, requires some degree of coordination and CD usage, which rarely goes well with the pug enviroment.

I would say these days the covenants are more at fault to the issue than specs are. An overwhelming majority of the specs are Night Fae, while most tanks tend to be Kyrian. There aren’t that many specs that favor Necrolord and Venthyr, and while one can say that it isn’t that big of an issue for Necrolord dungeons like Halls of Atonement and Sanguine Depth on higher keys needs someone who is part of the Venthyr covenant. This severely reduces the amount of specs people invite to their keys.

Even recently Fury, while still being really good in keys, joined the ranks of the Night Fae for M+, depriving the scene of another spec that can cover the Venthyr buff. I feel that the covenants are one of the biggest contributors to the whole decline meta, tied in close second with the low amount of gear people can use to overgear the content.

It doesn’t help on the fact that a lot of those who wanted to get keys and raiding done gravitated to guilds and communities, further reducing the quality of the pug player pool.

It has less to do with min-maxing, and more to do with the current enviroment that forces pugs to not take chances with random strangers who are playing a spec that they do not see represented.


Which is wrong.

One raid difficulty is classic.

OH and BTW, the only drama I had in this game were in NM to HC guilds :slight_smile:

As long as you have timers in M+, people will minmax it, even lower keys.
Seperate M+ into two categories:
“Casual run” with no time, key upgrades as long as you’re able clearing it.
“Competetive run” timer starts, you get score for runs.

Here, solved.


But min maxing is fine as long as it doesn’t lead to toxic behavior… and min maxing only leads to toxicity in PUGs.

git gud :smiley:

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No game…

Noone said minmaxing is the big bad evil. I’ve implied, as long as you have time-trials, people will pick what’s meta, no matter how good you are. Look at the shamans, it’s since ages I’ve seen a enhancer, or a survival hunter.

I play every day with a survival hunter :thinking:

This problem only occurs in pugs. And that is since forever since there will always be meta. In communities and guilds it is about the person, not the class.

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And I am talking about pugs, I play two tanks, and from the hundreds of runs I’ve made, I’ve seen maybe 2 sv hunters.

According to warcraftlogs
Total amount of M+ parses:

Top 3:
Balance: ~691k
Fire: ~532k
MM: ~513k

Bottom 3:
Feral: ~47k
SV: ~27k
Sub: ~27k

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Absolutely nothing stops you playing spec you want in casual content among the pugs. Rather the problem lies in you. You are weak. You feel pressure just because some pug told something negative. If you get so easily pressured stick to game like Fallout 76 or NMS, where you can be stupid af and still succeed in content.

Look, if I am boxer and decide to go into ring with Muay Thai fighter and fight by his rules. You don’t complain about him using knees and legs. Same is with WoW. If you join competitive content and then you decide deliberately handicap yourself and make others life harder, you are real d#psh#t. Stick to singleplayer games and play there the way you want.


Remove Enumar


the reason why those things happen is that without TF / corruptions nothing can carry people in pugs.

without those nerf-over-time mechanics games is completly toxic and simply doesntwork for majority of playerbase

I wouldn’t say that is strictly true. M+ was introduced in Legion, and the invite issues really started to ramp up in some parts of BFA, and now in SL.

I did not have issues joining random pug keys during Legion at all. As hunter I did have issues on occasion joining random keys as BM hunter during the second tier of BFA, but that wasn’t because of my class, but rather due to my ilvl (I didn’t have the chance to get high ilvl azerite gear with the traits I want, so I was playing with lower ilvl ones.)

The only thing few things that keeps hc and mythic raiders on the game are timegating and loots.
Most raiders leave the game after finishing content and becoming bis geared.

You are the first person that say ‘‘i play everyday as survival’’ :smiley: i’ve ever seen.

I guess playing feral is like minority within minority :smiley: its like inception lol

Logs says otherwise. Check above my post.

You just said same to a guy too. i clarified in bold above.

Im quite sure most boxing rings have rules about age, height and weight. Bam. You are wrong.
Also boxing rings abide by boxingrules ; ip man couldnt use his legs on a american box ring.

According to this advice ; everyone always should play cookier cutter specs and never play other specs in neither pvp and pve.
Which means toxic.
And this is the 2nd time you used bad words for a forumer.

And the oscar of most toxic forumer award goes tooooo Hafthor ! Congrutatulations.


Well, there’s little point in playing an mmo if that’s the case. The obvious answer is: find friends, change guild, etc.