Elves and Speculative Evolution

They look elegant. Is that not enough of a purpose?!

Like an insect’s antennae, they extend and tingle in the presence of “edible” magics that the elf is then instinctually drawn to for nourishment and physical adaptation.

Or something like that.

I say we already have that since Sin’dorei can have golden eyes due to the Sunwell, and it was their font of power before the attack and fel went down

So a subgroup of Quel’Thalas sieze the Sunwell in an anti-nightborne coup in protest of the regent lord’s wedding. As fanatics of the Light (led by Liadrin?), the infuse the well with even more Light magic ignorant that they’ve overcharged it. The hero and status quo blood elves step in to stop them but it’s too late and their misguided good intentions have made them into Sun Elves, eyes afire and with golden skin.

It can happen.

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So you pretty much want a Lightforged elf, yes?
Just open the phone book and hit up the closest Lightforged draenei. Ask if you can come with them home :wink:

Just jesting, worry not. I assume you can have that if a Naru likes you/You dedicate to them. I mean to refer to what happend to Illidan during the Argus campaign and ‘‘Rejection of the Gift’’

Another is the example ‘demon’ Lothraxion

Perhaps if you have a strong connection to the Light?
Anyways, we do have the character model and all needed customization, yes?

All I’m saying is that it’s the sort of oddball twist they’d definitely pull, once more splitting the elven races into tinier pieces for the sake of a cool gimmick.

Personally, I would like tah say dat it be lookin’ like da trolls be da best cause we be first.

Nod nod

Our tikky takky sticks be wayy high tech den your, erm…glow sticks…Whatever da heck it be called.

Dem night elves do got nice taste though. Viendame approves.

And is definitely not bias and secretly a Kal- I mean a, a night elf main. Deeefinitely not dat.

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That I agree with, and to be fair it would be somewhat of a shame in my opinion :thinking:

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