Eonar Alliance Reconnections

Grish (later Griash/Tkisa) from Sentinels here, good to see some old faces :slight_smile:
Also played in Veritas, Philosophers Stone, and TLC at various point through the expansions.

Hi, I am Pixelina a priest that played with Peons, Malice and a short stint in The logical cube.
I remember my fave raid leader Thycin, and then Valghor, Genjuro, Hellslayer, Celticknight, that cheeky mage Candy and many more.

I will be rolling prist under my old familiar name Pixelina on Mirage raceway together with some friends.

Favorite memory : spamming holy nova in WSG with my fellow priests.

Hello friends!

Lotsa good memories!

Shoutouts to: my bros in plate Mahtinyrkki and Hellslayer, Sushi and Jollz and the rest of TLC guys, Vesian and Benedict and the posse from original Phobia, Beri who made my hand of rag, Znake Hadur and Blondie that we steamrolled BC heroics with, spanish goofballs Sharpeye and Thefreak, Bushido the tryhard, Fadeleaf and Mizzi and that Tophat guild and rest of BG freaks, Dagoth who outrolled me on karazan mount you bastard, to all russkies that took me to ICC with, and the rest I cant remember but were there!

Dropping ultimate class fantasy in favor of edgy toxic undead mage on Firemaw most likely. Would love to meet again as friends or foe!



Teh tankadin from TBC :slight_smile:


also TLC
the warrior who never recivied warglaive :smiley:

We will both play on Shazzrah

Hello Duri, Barry, Chaheiro and Grish.

Character: Malkier, Worgen/(NE) hunter .
Guild: Sentinels (later Mithril and Unbroken)

I stopped playing during cataclysm expansion. I felt very tempted to start playing again on classic wow.

Also, have you chosen a server?

Edit: For now I’m playing as Milinde on Nethergarde Keep

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So, where are you rolling!

we two are on Shazzrah, dont know about others

Say hello to Qudah the dwarf priest


Undeadfire here (Nigh Elve Warrior tank). I remember in the Vanilla time a guild named Faithfull I was in (lead by Warlock Gonron).

I remember you 2 Eratay, Mirko. Shazzrah horde or alli?

Alliance :slight_smile:

Yes I remember you too :slight_smile:

Hey Malkier! We´re all on Pyrewood Village and restarted Sentinels there! Welcome to join us there! <3

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Hello, I wonder if anyone from Scale Wardens still hangs around (talking to you, Yeomanly). I was a short Dwarf Hunter called Amakusa.

Playing with a few frinds on Ashbringer, Horde.


So many names blast from the past!! Wierd thing is I have absolutely no idea what my characters name was at the time :smiley:

I was definitley in Sentinels for the end of Vanilla and through TBC (my sister had a friend there from Ultima Online, and got me an invite), I even remember our epic RL meet in Amsterdam!!

@Durianna, Barry, Malk, Grish I rememeber all your names! If anyone can remember mine it would be great!!! I was a feral Druid normally DPS, but also offtanked for Fnordal!

@Durianna I created a char on Pyrewood Village too! Might have to create an alt to join you guys with though as I got into a guild with a few of my current guildies already on my “main” :confused:

@Nhyx I cant remember your druids name, sorry - and I cant find any of my screenshots from that era either :frowning:

ugh, my rl name was Steve, I remember Sandra the rogue and Nadja the Priest as well!.

Looking at old chars i havent played for a while, i have a druid called Drudella, but i dont think that was it!

Anyway, also created a char on PV (druid called Drudella just in case), Cant find /who Duriana or /who Sentinels though :frowning:

Hey Steve, iirc your char name was Noctis? :slight_smile:
Anyways we´re on PV and joined the guild Old Timers . You can whisper the GM for more info if you want to join she can tell you if there is a spot, her name is Mhysa.
Cya ingame! :wink:

Noctissssss!!! thats it thankyou!!!

Daimyo - Dwarf Hunter
Guilds - Prophecy

Good old times :slight_smile: i remeber you groinslasher, and another hunter called Keha. I also remeber our maintank NE Warrior. So many names lost in memory :confused: would love to reconnect :smiley:

Hello all ya friends!

Guild - “NUMEN” for LIFE

Idriana - NE Druid
Skyliner - HU Paladin

Hey all, I played on Eonar with:

Rabby - Dwarf priest
Rapidfire - Protection warrior

In guilds:
Keepers of Light (2006)
General Goods (2006-2008)
The Rabbithole (2008)
Concilium (2008-2020)

Nice to see you’re all around somewhere still :slight_smile:

Feel free to add my btag to your friendlist: thorck#2781