Error #132 since January 23

I’m close to giving up here. I have tried everything from reinstalling drivers, windows recovery and checking all my system hardware. Nothing is wrong, yet the game constantly crashes with Error #132.

I have tried to disable AA processes and using both DirectX11 and 12 versions. Nothing changes. Still error #132 after 6-15min of play.

This ONLY happens when playing WoW.

im going to assume you are using an AMD GPU.
If so i would recommend rolling back the drivers to these.
It seems the 2 new drivers that came out in January cause random crashing in Wow, where screen will freeze and closing down the game and restarting it is the only soloution.

Thanks Orggre for the suggestion, but I’m actually using a GeForce GTX 970. I also tried rolling back those drivers to a previous version, but it didn’t make any difference either.

We run WoW on 2 PC’s, both are crashing with error 132 and both have NVidia Geforce cards. Mine has latest drivers, wife’s has previous version.

NVIDIA just released a new version 418.81 today that fixed my error 132s. Been playing for more than one hour today.

Mine updated to 418.81 and since then i am getting the error

Took a one week break from WoW to recharge my batteries a bit and catch up on Warframe, came back to error 132. Haven’t updated graphics drivers in a while so the drivers I have SHOULD be known-good as they worked with WoW a week ago. Will try updating and check back.

EDIT: One or more of updating graphics drivers (Geforce), updating addons and rebooting resolved the problem.

Hey all,

If you do continue to encounter this, the issue might not be related to your drivers (as you have all mentioned trying various drivers). Please go through all the steps listed in the Error 132 support article, and see if that helps out.

Happy to hear it’s been sorted for you now Calydor. It sounds like your addons might have caused a problem for you before. They can be a lot of fun to play with, but can cause some odd issues at times as well. If you ever encounter any trouble with World of Warcraft, it is always a good idea to test the game after clearing your UI (addons) completely first.

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!

@Nenyasqi: I tried all of that and although I can now play 1-1½ hours without getting the error I still get it - however I played 1½ hour with 0 addons and didn’t get any error, so I went back and installed a few just to test and played again around 1 hour and then got an error.

So it might be something with how addons are being handled now.

Just for fun I removed all addons and downloaded a new set of addons (different ones by different authors) and played again around 1½ hour and got the error again.

I’m starting to think there’s something in the addon framework (API?) that goes wrong on some hardware (although don’t really know how to debug it).

Thank you for the update Hellzia. I know quite a few players that do actively play with addons without any issues though, so it might just be the addons you use that cause a problem for you. I would suggest installing the addons one by one and playing for a while, to see which (could be multiple, or could be certain addons working together) causes the problem.

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!

Hi again @Nenyasqi, I tried again without any add-ons installed and fresh repair of WoW.

I now get this error:

ERROR #134 (0x85100086) Fatal condition!

Program: C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft_retail_\Wow.exe
ProcessID: 7776
File: d:\buildserver\wow\3\work\shared-checkout\branches\wow-patch-8_1_0-branch-fastpatch-8\engine\source\gx\src\d3d12\gxdeviced3d12.cpp
Line: 6176

Crashed setting graphics PSO pointer: 0x000001ea855c6810

And then 7min later on reload:

This application has encountered a critical error:

ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal exception!

Program: C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft_retail_\Wow.exe
ProcessID: 11956

The instruction at “0x00007ff7a3d6f41e” referenced memory at “0xffffffffffffffff”.
The memory could not be “read”.

Thank you for testing that.

Please post your System Files so we can have a closer look into this. Please go through the steps listed here, and create both the MSInfo and DxDiag files. Post them on a page like or share directly with us through OneDrive. Post the links here afterwards as Preformatted text </>, so we can have a look.

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!

Thanks a lot @Nenyasqi. Here are the files:



Folder access:!AhUPyg0JJjKzaYcH3_3gQtIEQic

Perfect, thank you.

Let’s start by going through the steps to close background applications once more. After the restart, double check that programs such as Steam, Discord and Overwolf have not started itself up again. If they have, please fully close those programs for now (or temporarily uninstall).

Please make sure not to leave any other programs active in the background while we test World of Warcraft, so we can figure out what might be causing this problem for you. I noticed you have a few overclocking tools as well (Asus GPU Tweak / AI Suite). If you are overclocking at the moment, please set your hardware back to factory default for now.

Once done, clear your UI (addons) once more and retest afterwards.

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!

Newest update:

Hi @Nenyasqi, I no longer get any #132 errors. Although my game occassionally crashes it’s got nothing to do with WoW but more to some weird stuff in my PC. I can play for very long periods without any error.

So thank you alot for the help - saved my WoW life :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks so much @Nenyasqi :slight_smile:

I have done all those steps and uninstalled Overwolf (did that already when I noticed it in the MSInfo file - forgot since the TS days).

The ASUS GPU Tweak program isn’t overclocking anything it simply controls the fan on the GPU, but in my BIOS load I had some overclocking configured. I have set those to default now and removed the overclocking (which is sad, since it takes me from 99FPS in Boralus to 40FPS).

I will do further testing tomorrow, but tonight has been promising, after stopping background apps, removing overclocking and closing active apps (such as steam, GeForce Experience, etc), I managed to play without any errors for a bit over 1 hour.

Then I reinstalled my addons and played another 2 hours (give or take) again without any errors.