Esports Welcomes the World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic

Yeah. Lets ask CAPCOM about what they did to Street Fighter to cater to the E_Sport brigade.

I’ll save you the trouble. They absolutely butchered it to cater to the elite players who earned both themselves and CAPCOM ka-ching noodles and treated the players who didn’t like absolute garbage with a game that people who grew up playing didn’t recognise anymore.

THAT is E-Sport.
THAT is how you kill the playerbase for your game.
THAT is how you eventually kill your game, except for a small handful of elite players.
But by all means. Carry on watching other people play a videogame and throw your money at them.

And no. I don’t follow “normal sport” either, especially the absolute farce that is football.


Not even caber tossing?


the most weird thing when it comes to WoW is that the players complain about pvp balance. i don´t think it´s safe for bliz to even put it into the Esports genre if they can´t deal with the hardcore pvp´ers here.

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Please reconsider shipping the raids in their heavily nerfed iteration.

This probably means that MoP Classic will have its raids nerfed too. Many people would like to experience at least heroic raids like they were pre-nerf

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I declare myself as champion of eating chocolate raisins…


Oh those athelets.
I can’t wait till this turn into olympic sport.
I see athelets… Athelets everywhere.

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Can I apply for it too?
Looks like a good discipline.


Can I branch the sport into the M&M Caramel only in bulk?
I feel a specialization here is in order.


Youre all amateurs.

Revels are the true sport of professionals.

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Classic ends in WolLK.

Still not a sport

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